*Congress Appropriates $1.9 Million for WNS*

Victory! Finally. On Tuesday night, members of the Interior Appropriations
Conference Committee approved $1.9 million for "increased research and
monitoring" for White Nose Syndrome. The Interior Appropriations Bill was
then combined with the Continuing Resolution to keep government running and
sent to the President for his signature. This money is for the Federal
Fiscal Year 2010, which began October 1, and is in addition to the recently
awarded $800,000.

This action is highly unusual and remarkable. You may recall that the House
version of the bill passed months ago with no new funding for WNS. The
Senate passed it's bill with only $500,000, and only for "increased
monitoring." In most conference committees, the two sides split the
difference, or trade away their position for something unrelated.

In this case, the number on the table was nearly quadrupled. They listened.
They listened to lots of people across the country who beat the drum. That
kind of sustained effort is what it takes to make a difference, and it

Representatives and Senators from all parties supported this effort, and
that's due to you. Your calls, emails, and personal contacts kept the issue
alive and urgent. Thanks to all of you who took the time and made the effort
to get involved. It does make a difference.

Many of you sent me information about your contacts, all of which is
helpful. During any lobbying effort, that feedback loop is critical in
determining how well you are doing, and to advise course corrections. Thank
you for doing that.

In my opinion, five people in particular deserve special thanks:
Representative Madeleine Bordallo and Representative Raul Grijalva, who
called the Joint House hearing on WNS, bringing attention to the issue;
Senator Frank Lautenberg, who pushed for the Senate hearing and championed
the additional funding; Representative Norman Dix, who, as Chair of the
House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee and member of the Conference
Committee listened to the need and kept keenly aware of the situation all
along the way, and Senator Patrick Leahy, who used his experience and
position on the Conference Committee to close the deal.

You may have other people you would like to acknowledge, and I encourage you
to do so in this forum. Further, if you contacted your Senator or
Congressman before on WNS, now is the time to contact them again and say,
"thank you." You would be surprised how little thanks legislators get when
they do something good. It means a lot, and is another step on the road to
maintaining a good relationship. Maybe they'll contact you next time about
WNS. Anyway, thank them in any way you can - a call, email, letter to the
editor of your local paper, etc.

Here's a link to one news story:

Peter Youngbaer
NSS 16161
WNS Liaison

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