This post is about the NSS Banquet, and again it is just one personal

I can't imagine how you feed 1,500 people in one setting.
Especially, when they all have completely
different taste and when they are tired, hungry, and over-heated.

But somebody managed to pull it off.

I can't believe it didn't rain.      How lucky was that?

I don't think it would be fair to point out all the flaws of this
event, so let me just say that what I am
about to post is only meant to describe my personal opinions based on
the portion of the banquet
that I attended.

There is one longhorn cow in my neighborhood and can see it any day of
the week.    So, it was
personally not very exciting to see a cow.      However, the one
with the curved horns was interesting.     I imagine many attendees
enjoyed feeding them, especially their
children.   I wish I had brought my 4 year old daughter.

Everybody that tried hitting the golf balls on the golf range, got a
big kick out of that, especially the foreigners
not familiar with golf.

The food was edible.    I had 2 plates.

Several cavers and their families enjoyed the horseshoes.

Aimie Beveridge and Allen Cobb were awarded the prestigious NSS
Fellows award, which I think entitles
them to a free life-time NSS membership.

Carl Kunath won the NSS Spelean History Award.      That was a lot of
hard work to win this award, and it would have
been really tough to beat him had someone else wanted to.

The TCMA won a big award for best Conservation Group.

I know I am leaving somebody out.    Mark Minton ??    Exploration Award ??

Bill Mixon presented an award in his infamous tuxedo t-shirt.

John & Maggie Moses, presided over part of the awards.

I heard a rumor that the banquet location was Plan B, and did not
become Plan A until about 10 days prior to the
banquet.      That must have been some really hard work, so kudos to
the planners on that.

Here are some of the things I would suggest for improvement.
( please don't take this as criticism )

      1.     Beverages on ice for non-tea drinkers like children.
      2.     Some awards given out during the long wait for food.
                 For example,    My personal opinion is this would
have been the best time to
                 give out the Outstanding Service Award.     By the
time it came up, over 2/3rd of the
                 audience had lost interest and became disruptive in
the back seats chatting with
                 their friends, or they got up and left.
       3.    Ice-Cream or snow-cones or some kind of cold desert.
      4.     Location should have been in Kerrville, but obviously
that was not an option.
      5.     I think the section near the stage needs to be reserved
somehow for people who
             sincerely care about the awards.      Maybe only NSS
Fellows or something ??
      6.     There needs to be a better way to encourage people to
move their chatter far
            from the awards.
     7.    Personally, I would have liked some grilled vegetables with my pasta.
     8.    This event should have been in an air-conditioned room, but
that was not an option.
    10.    Ice for putting in glasses.
    11.    Beer ???
    12.    Liquour  ???
    13.    Clay Shooting ???   ( just kidding )

I gave a Mexican caver, Jazmin and a Venezuelan caver, ?, a ride to
the banquet and I gave Andre, the Slovenian, a ride back home.   I
would have carried more, but my van only has 2 seats at the moment.
I did try to volunteer
to drive a van, but I got there too late.

I am guessing this banquet cost the NSS around $ 20,000.      In my
opinion, this is money
that could be better served, especially during an economic recession.
    It seems like to me,
that there is too many long-winded speeches.     But I have said that
after the past 8 other
conventions that I attended.

I left the banquet after the awards, so someone else will have to tell
the rest of the story,
and also for all the things that I left out during the banquet program.

I drove into camp ready for bed.

When I arrived at Groad Hollow, there was already a gathering of
cavers partying.      They partied hard
till 2 in the morning.

I almost moved my camp to the quiet camping.

Some naked drunk caver tried to drag me out of my bed, into the hot
tub at what seemed
like 3 in the morning.      But I told him to let me sleep.

I am glad they all had fun, and chose to camp there, so I wouldn't
miss any of it.

David Locklear

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