On Mon, 13 Jul 2009 10:00:31 -0500 Simon Newton <csnew...@gmail.com>
I believe the mileage is tax deductible, since they have non-profit
designation.  Doesn't help you much if you don't do itemized taxes
though. (BTW - you can probably recover mileage on your taxes from some
of your volunteer cave projects)

I agree with others though - it would have been good to offer discounts
or a free pass to the volunteers.  Heck, at all the big music festivals
you can volunteer a few hours a day in return for a free ticket
(bonnaroo, glastonbury, coachella).


I am not sure what the UIS rules are about discounts and free admission. 
However, the NSS has very clear rules that the NSS does not permit
volunteers free access to the NSS convention.  I say this only to make it
clear that this was not something that the ICS organizing committee
decided for themselves.  For better or worse, the NSS expects its
volunteers to give both time and money.

And if you deduct your mileage, you generally have to deduct it at the
volunteer rate.

Philip L. Moss
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