I won't give away the movie.

I only saw the 2D version, and I presume parts of this movie look better in
3D as the really
graphic scenes looked awkward.

In the only real caving scene in the movie, the 3 explorers use what
appears to be Black Diamond Headlamp.     I couldn't tell which version
or whether it was LED or not.     But in one scene, the silhouette of one of
the explorers
has a dim blue tinted light.

Also, I don't if there are volcanic cave passages like the one they entered
to find the 1st deep pit
which was something like 300 feet deep.     It wasn't a lava tube.

And most certainly not like the "mine" passage"
that led to another pit which was supposed to between 3,600 and 3,800 (
miles ) deep.
It was actually only 8 to 14 miles deep, and probably less as the hit the
center at a slow
free-fall speed that allowed them to have a cushioned fall.      ( And how
could the miners
in such an active mine filled with diamonds have not fallen into this
pit.       And how
could the previous explorers have travelled this route which was clearly
virgin passage.
( There must have been 2 similar nearby routes which is statistically
impossible. )

If you can presume that the explorers were really at the real center of the
earth, then they
would not have to travel but a few feet to go horizontally from Iceland to
Germany.    So
that part makes sense.       And they did travel a great distance by sail
boat.       Finding
that sail down there sure was luck.       The chances of winning the lottery
are higher.

I thought the acting was superb, especially the choice of the mountain
guide.      I did not
like the part where the script mixed in the professors' brother's
demise.      I think there
was lots of room for improvement here.

I think the concept of the explorers doing such a trip, so ill prepared and
coming out
unscathed is very stupid.       They didn't even have enough gear for a trip
to Devil's
Sinkhole, much less the center of the earth.

Their vertical journey both down and back out, is what really makes this
so ridiculous.

However, I liked the movie for what it was, and thought there were 2 or
3 unique scenes that might
be memorable.

I recommend you see the BBC TV version of this story, before seeing
the movie version.      The DVD of that is available at Fry's.        The
reason being, is
you will see how much of this new movie is not so original.     The ocean
where they are all on a hand-woven reed raft is almost identical.        The
BBC version
is a little more believable.        The high cost of the new version didn't
improve the
plot much, but only the graphic images many of which are too far fetched to

David Locklear

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