Hi cavers,

Last fall the outgoing president of the NSS recruited me to serve as this 
year's Nominating Committee Chairman. It is my duty to find candidates for the 
four director positions (of 12) for which there will be an election this 
spring. Directors are members of the NSS' Board of Governors. The newly elected 
directors will take office during the ICS in Texas in July.

I encourage you to consider serving in a national-level position with the NSS. 
Being an NSS director is a prestigious position in American speleology. 
Currently there are no directors from Texas, but there have been several in 
times past. Bill Mixon has served, Gill Ediger too, Ronnie Fieseler, I have, 
and so on. We could sure use representation again. 

If you would like to talk to me about it, please feel free to e-mail me or call 
me. My cell phone number is 214-770-4712.  

Permission is granted to post this on other caver listservs.


Bill Steele
NSS 8072
Irving, Texas

Information on serving as an NSS director:
The deadline for the 2009 Annual Board election is February 9, 2009. 
Submission Requirements are as follows:  
1.  Biographical and platform text must be submitted in Arial 10pt and fit into 
a 3 1/2" wide x 8 1/2" long column.  
2.  A head-and-shoulders or head only candidate photo saved by the photographer 
as a grayscale *.tif or *.pcx 1 1/2" square must also be submitted. 
In your biographical information be sure to include any training and experience 
you have administratively, in management, marketing, or accounting and budget 
reading. Candidates are encouraged to address specific, current issues faced by 
the Society or in running the business of the NSS.  Be assertive in stating 
your favor or opposition. Feel free to advise the membership what you plan to 
do as their representative voice on the Board and to move the Society forward 
as a whole. 
Information about serving as an NSS Director:

Serving as a Director is a large responsibility and a great experience.  Below 
you will find some basic information about the Board and Director 
responsibilities.  I also invite you to visit the Business Pages of the NSS web 
site, www.caves.org/nss-business.  Here you will find a wealth of information 
including past meeting history, minutes, and agendas of upcoming meetings.  You 
can review the various NSS committees you may choose to participate in and 
which Officers supervise them.  You can view the Bylaws, the BOG Manual, and 
information about the COG.

Taken from the NSS Board of Governors Manual:

"Directorate (Directors)
The Directorate is made up of twelve directors elected by the members of the 
Society. To be eligible, the person must be a regular or higher member of the 
Society. Each director serves a three-year term and the terms are staggered so 
that four directors are elected each year. Directors are expected to attend 
each meeting of the Board of Governors or the Directorate (usually three a year 
(one of which is always Monday and Friday of the NSS Convention), every other 
year another is attached to the NCKMS usually in October and the other dates 
and locations vary depending upon the hosting grotto or section.  Travel 
expenses are the responsibility of each Director-mas).  However, if they cannot 
attend, they may appoint another member of the Society as their proxy.

Annually, the directors elect one of their number to serve as Chairman of the 
Directorate. This chairman presides when the Directorate meets alone. They also 
elect a chairman of the Executive Search Committee. It is the responsibility of 
the Executive Search Committee to maintain a list of people qualified willing 
to become officers of the Society.

The prime responsibility of the directors is the election of the officers of 
the Society and, with the officers as a Board of Governors, set policies for 
conducting the official business of the Society. They also serve on committees 
and review the activities of all the committees. All Society policies are 
established by the Board of Governors."

It is both desirable and important to find individuals who have good experience 
in administration, business management, marketing and accounting/budget 
reading, and who understand the goals of the Society.  We also seek those 
willing to put aside their own views and be sensitive to the needs, viewpoints 
and concerns of the member majority they represent when voting on issues 
impacting the membership and forward movement of the Society. We need good 
folks who can bring balance to the Board table and stimulate real thought over 
issues. Cavers with knowledge of and exposure at the grotto, regional or 
national level are the most successful candidates.

There is a serious amount of e-mail traffic as most hot topics and agenda 
motions are discussed prior to the actual meetings.  
If you do not personally know any of the current directors, contact information 
for current or past Directors can be provided to you so you may "get real" with 
them regarding Board service and aid your discernment.
Below is an excerpt my predecessor received along with permission to forward 
onto perspective candidates, which provides some additional insight.

"Brief notes to pass on to the possible candidates:
Commitments are the cost and time of attending meetings three times a year.  
The chances are one will be close enough perhaps to drive, and the other one 
further away   Arrangements are made for BOG members to stay with local cavers, 
to save the expense of a motel.   Plus the convention board meetings on half to 
3/4 the day Monday, and usually all day Friday.  

Responsibilities are also to review officers' reports before the Board meetings 
where they will be discussed, and review and understand the NSS operating 
budget.  Directors elect officers.  Directors are therefore responsible for 
selecting, "hiring" the Society's top management who operate the Society on a 
day-to-day basis, and for reviewing the officers' performances.  The Directors 
select the executive search committee members (who present a slate of 
candidates for officer positions), and may establish the qualifications and 
criteria used by the committee.  

There will be some email traffic/discussions during the year on issues, but in 
fits and spurts.  

Otherwise, a director may do as little or as much as s/he feels motivated to 
do.  Some directors do very little beyond attending meetings, others become 
very involved in issues, committees, and various programs. 

Directors are elected to manage and provide leadership for a multi-million 
dollar organization/business  -- like a corporate board of directors.  Key 
elements of the job include: business strategies and concepts; self-marketing 
concepts; vision for the Society; policies, strategies, and budgeting to 
support and grow NSS programs and further its goals in a changing environment; 
setting priorities for funding and goals.  

The real work of the society is at the NSS Committee level.  If director 
candidates want to become involved with the NSS to really work with programs, 
projects and ideas, or to further a certain area of interest (such as education 
or membership recruitment) then they should become involved with the 
appropriate committee.  This is where they would make a difference, not as a 

Taken from the NSS Constitution:

NSS Director Duties and Qualities

"Directorate (Directors)
The Directorate is made up of twelve directors elected by the members of the 
Society. To be eligible, the person must be a regular or higher member of the 
Society. Each director serves a three-year term and the terms are staggered so 
that four directors are elected each year. Directors are expected to attend 
each meeting of the Board of Governors or the Directorate (usually three a year 
(one of which is always the Monday and Friday of the NSS Convention), every 
other year another is attached to the NCKMS usually in October and the other 
dates and locations vary depending upon the hosting grotto or section.  Travel 
expenses are the responsibility of each Director-chair).  However, if they 
cannot attend, they may appoint another member of the Society as their proxy.

Annually, the directors elect one of their number to serve as Chairman of the 
Directorate. This chairman presides when the Directorate meets alone. They also 
elect a chairman of the Executive Search Committee. It is the responsibility of 
the Executive Search Committee to maintain a list of people qualified and 
willing to become officers of the Society.

The prime responsibility of the directors is the election of the officers of 
the Society and, with the officers as a Board of Governors, set policies for 
conducting the official business of the Society. They also serve on committees 
and review the activities of all the committees. All Society policies are 
established by the Board of Governors."

It is important to find individuals who not only have good training or 
experience in administration, business management, marketing and 
accounting/budget reading, and who understand the goals of the Society, but are 
also selfless enough to put aside their own views and be sensitive to the 
needs, viewpoints and concerns of the members they represent when voting on 
issues that impact the best interest of the membership and the forward movement 
of the Society. We need good folks who can bring balance and stimulate real 
thought over issues to the Board table, not just act out unfulfilled political 
aspirations or personal agendas.  Also cavers with knowledge of and exposure at 
the grotto, regional or national level are the most successful candidates.

Should you decide to run, in addition to specific submission guidelines for 
your photo and bio/platform statement and submission deadline, I can provide 
sample bio/platforms from past candidates to serve as a guide.

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