>Are any Texas cavers going to SpeleoFest ?

Don't bother, David.  Unfortunately, the event now dubbed SpeleoMess is but a ghost of its former glory.  In the 1970's, it was one of the best and largest caver gatherings in the country (and there were few in those days). But today, though it at last has its own permanent venue and cave, it amounts to about 200 attendees with very little organization, facilities, or fun.

The trip from Texas would be much more worthwhile to attend the Southeast Regional Association (SERA) Cave Carnival the following weekend.  This year's is hosted by the Nashville Grotto, long renowned for knowing how to put on a helluva party (as Herr Schindel can attest) at the new permanent venue of the TAG Fall Cave-In on Lookout Mountain in the heart of cave country.  Alas, there will be little to no caving at either event. All the more reason for Nashville to put on a helluva party.

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