Final Robber Baron Restoration Project Work Day!

Thanks to the hard work of 250 people who have put in more than 3500 hours of work over five years, the Robber Baron project is nearly complete. There is only one more regular work day planned for Saturday, Oct 25. Thanks to the 53 volunteers who showed up last time (and special thanks to Cheryl Hamilton for coordinating the planting), we should have no problem finishing up a few remaining tasks. We will be doing a final cleanup of the surface in preparation for the Nov. 8th Open House (information to follow in a separate email) and also some tree trimming and removal. Additionally, we will do some prep work for the upcoming installation of the information kiosk.

As usual, water and lunch will be provided and the cave will be open for visitation afterwards for those helping out. If you are coming from out of town, let us know if you need a place to stay.

When: Sat., Oct 25, 8:30am

What to bring:


Also if anyone is willing to help haul brush to the Bitters Rd. brush site and can bring a pickup or trailer, that would be appreciated.

Although the restoration project will be officially finished, we do plan to have work days at Robber Baron once or twice a year in the future so we can keep the place looking nice. Also there are a few non-native trees still slated for cutting around the sinkhole so we may have a special day for working on that later in the winter.

From TCMA and myself we give a big thank you to everyone who helped us in planning, supporting and carrying out this project. It has been a long effort, but has resulted is something for everyone to be proud of.

Joe Mitchell
Cell: 210-825-1298

Linda Palit

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