Good morning, y'all!
I just wanted to announce that Butch has uploaded all four of the 2007 editions 
of The TEXAS CAVER to the Members Area, as well as my first attempt at this rag 
(yikes!), the 2006 4th Quarter issue.
In addition, the 2005 2nd Quarter back issue that Chris Vreeland was gracious 
enough to complete, is also now online.
This now makes a total of 10 back issues available for your reading pleasure, 
and the next issue will be online by this weekend.
A full 10 days before the snail mail subscribers will have it in their mailbox!
If you're not a TSA Member, don't waste your hard earned moola this weekend on 
Valentine's Day nonsense like roses, candy, a dinner out, movie, over-priced 
booze, babysitting fees, or contraceptives!
Buy them something they REALLY want!
A TSA Membership AND a ICS raffle ticket or 5!
Go ahead and join at
Be sure to buy one or five ICS Registration Raffle tickets at while you're there! 
If you're a TSA member, but haven't yet joined the Digital Revolution, it is 
extremely painless to do so.
Go to and sign up.
You can still opt to receive the TC in the mail, or you can do your part to be 
environmentally and fiscally responsible, while sticking it to the USPS and 
their rate increase in May by opting to go digital!
While I have your undivided attention, let me give you an update on the status 
of the new Members Area on the TSA website.
It continues to expand very well and we currently have grown to 42 members, 
from the 27 members we had two weeks ago.
This is about 25% of the total membership.
20 have opted for electronic access only, slightly more than 10% of the total 
Not a bad start, but we're looking for more.
Given the fact that dues, currently being $20, that frees up $400 that can be 
plowed into CAVING activities and projects in the state.
Give it a thought and sign up!
Thanks and have a great time this weekend celebrating that most excellent 
Catholic Saint, Valentine!



(The Catholic Caver, Editor, TSA Chairman and Cheerleader) Mark Alman


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