Dear Friends,

I you are considering going to the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the 
International Union of Speleology in Postojna, Slovenia, which will be held in 
conjunction with this year's Classical Karst School, the schedule for the 
celebration day is below. For more information, visit

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Dear cavers,
with 15 May we shut down the registration for 23rd International Karstological 
School "Classic karst" - theme is the exploration of caves; registered is 200 
participants from all over the world.

Until 1. June 2015 is still possible the registration for so-called UIS day; on the web page of the School.
On the website you can also find more information about the school and before 1 
June there will also be complete program of the School lectures.

All events in the cave Postojnska jama will be available only by badge provided 
by Organizers of the School!
Nadja Zupan Hajna

FRIDAY, 19. 6. 2015
7.30-9.00    Registration of participants/ Cultural center of Postojna

8.15-11.00 Excursion 4: Postojnska jama (tourist visit with visit of new 
exhibition EXPO; start at the entrance to the cave; tickets you will get from 
the School organizers; train starts at 8.30h).
9.00-12.00 Workshop on Dinaric Karst & UNESCO leaded by Paul Williams

13.00-17.00    Registration of participants/ Cultural center of Postojna


13.00-13.15          UIS President Kyung Sik Woo Welcome Speech
13.15-14.00  Johannes Mattes: Giving meaning to darkness. Approaches to a 
Cultural and Social History of Caves and Speleology
14.00-14.40  Arrigo Cigna: 50th year of the Union Internationale de 
Spéléologie: foundation, life and effects
14.40-15.00 J. Ayrton Labegallini: UIS book

15.00-15.30 Coffee break & book signature

15.30-16.10   Trevor Shaw: History of cave science
16.10-16.30   George Veni: The Future of Cave Exploration and its Contributions 
to Cave Science
16.30-16.50    Paul Williams: Looking to the future: cave and karst 
conservation strategies
16.50-17.05    Bogdan Onac: 50 years of communicating karst science: past, 
present, and future of IJS
17.05-17.20    Lecture
17.20-17.35    Lecture

19.00-19.25    Registration of participants/ at the cave Postojnska jama
19.30-21.00   50th UIS Anniversary: celebration in the cave Postojnska jama
21.30- 1.00  UIS Banquet in front of the cave Postojnska jama

George Veni, Ph.D.
Executive Director
National Cave and Karst Research Institute
400-1 Cascades Avenue
Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220-6215 USA
Office: 575-887-5517
Mobile: 210-863-5919
Fax: 575-887-5523

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