Dear caver family: after new discussion with our host facility and the
leadership of the UT Grotto, I must inform you that our meetings are
cancelled through April 15. We will consider our next steps and have an
update for you on or before April 15 about the possibility of resuming
in-person meetings. Our first priority is to maintain the health and safety
of our caving community and the greater community that we operate within.
We will work behind the scenes to see if it is possible to provide
programming and/or live online interaction for you in the meantime. Please
be patient, we want to keep community interaction humming along, but all
members have additional similar situations to adapt to in our lives. If you
have suggestions for contingencies like this, AND you also have the
willingness to do the work to put them in place, send me a direct message
off list ( I know that there are potential
platforms for us to use - I want to hear from you if you know how they work
AND can help organize the implementation of them. Your assistance will be
gratefully accepted.
We hope you will all continue to use this page to enthusiastically discuss
caving and conservation. I am personally grateful for the love, strength,
and adaptability of the caving community. I am looking forward to the time
when we can take ourselves off "pause" and go back to "PLAY"!!
Thank you for everything you're doing to care for each other in these
unprecedented circumstances. Please keep in touch, stay kind & respectful,
and be well.

Kara Savvas (VP)
Kara Posso (President), and
Grace Borengasser (Secretary/Treasurer)
UT Grotto
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