Please ignore/delete this message if you are not interested in
the cookout that I am trying to organize.

I moved the updates that I am posting to a different Facebook

The campground is paid for for the weekend.    I hope to have
camping free, but there will be a donation bucket to cover
food cost and other expenses.

I have invited over 300 people now, and plan to invite many
more.    I don't expect many to show due to the date being
the weekend prior to the weekend of Memorial Day.

I have coerced about 20 people into expressing interest
in coming.   I hope they do, and I hope they bring their
spouses, kids, etc.

It would be great if at least 1 or 2 people from each grotto
could attend, meaning the rest of the attendees will
be from one of the nearby grottoes or independent cavers,
or new people just finding out about caving.

Realistically, I can see 30 adults attending along with a
few kids for the entire weekend, and then another 20 showing
up for the dinner, so I am looking at feeding 60 people.

May 22nd is still too far out for most people to consider.
I only ask that you note it is a possible thing to do on
your calendar.

If you live within 3 hours of Brehnam, and can't come for the
weekend, I encourage you to come just for an hour and have
dinner with us on Saturday afternoon.

The program after dinner will be indoors in a small building.
At the moment the show is a hi-def viewing of
BBC Planet Earth - Episode 4 - Caves, on a TV, along
with popcorn.   At the moment, the TV is only 26" 720P.
There may be a new DVD on lava tubes.

Here is a teaser:

Here is an aerial photo of the camp, but I posted a better one
last week on Cavetex:,-96.509485&num=1&t=h&sll=30.170415,-96.50882&sspn=0.007198,0.017166&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=30.169692,-96.505237&spn=0.007198,0.008991&z=16

I am presently hoping to invite more people:  potential cavers, retired cavers,
forgotten cavers, newbie cavers, etc, who live in places like Huntsville,
Nacogdoches, Beaumont, Lake Charles, Victoria, Tyler, Waco, etc.

This is a family oriented event, and everybody is encouraged to bring a hammock
and a bicycle, and kids if they have them.    I am pretty sure dogs on
a leash will
be o.k.

This event will probably not be endorsed or affiliated with any caving
organization.    And, at the moment, there are no cave trips planned, prior to
during, or after the event.   If someone wants to volunteer to look
into that, then
that might encourage a few more people to attend.
[ Hint: A lost cave called Pugley's Cave near LaGrange needs to be located,
GPS'd, and mapped.  That is 40 minutes away.   Or, does anybody know
of a cave an hour east of Austin ? ]

Alcohol will not be served at the event.   The plan is to keep it out
of site, and
at each individual camp.    However, I am hoping to buy a case of local wine
for the dinner.   The winery is 15 miles from camp.

I hope there are no more reasons to post updates on Cavetex about this,
so if you don't use Facebook, please e-mail me privately.

I would request that you help me spread the word about this to new cavers.


David Locklear
caver in Fort Bend County
host of the event

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