>From David Locklear

I have attended about 10 UT Grotto meetings in the past 31 years.    And
parties that the grotto members hosted, and even been in a few Travis
County caves.

I have attended probably 60 GHG meetings, and attended some of their

And about 10 meetings and a few parties at the DFW Grotto.

And maybe 2 in San Antonio, along with several parties, and about 3 trips to
Robber Barron Cave.

I have been to about 50 plus A.S.S. meetings, and attended a few of their

I have even attempted to form grottos at UofH, or re-ignite one at Rice, or
grottos on the the web.   And sort of tried to get something going in
Brenham at
the Blinn College.

One issue you run into, is that occasionally you attract the wrong kind of
people to
the group, or at least one with a different mindset.     You might even get
some really
crazy guy that just goes off ranting about irrelevant cr*p.

Some grotto meetings have taken place at restaurants in their party
section.     This seems
to work if the place is centrally located, and inexpensive, and has good
food and beer, and
has some sort of nostalgic atmosphere.     But those kind of places just do
not seem to
exist anymore, especially within walking distance of a campus.

It is my opinion, that the area around the UT Campus seems to attract a lot
of street-people.
If that is true, I don't think other grottos have that problem.

Moving too far from campus, you lose the possible new influx of student

I have fond memories of UT Grotto meetings.    It was kind of like the
movie Groundhog Day.
as things were often identical each time I went.     I have futilely tried
to attend dozens of UT
Grotto meetings, and the stars did not align.

I am still hoping to make some trips to both future meetings and to events
at the TSC, but with
the high cost of gas, I can't drive across town without a valid reason.

I hope you all find a nice place that is at least semi-permanent.

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