From: Don Cooper <>
Date: Thu, May 7, 2009 at 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: another personal update
To: David <>

Geez dude -

Have you ever ONCE thought that maybe its not so much your boss's fault...

I'm kindof doubting you'd be able to hold MY job for a month.
I too must put up with work which feels completely beneath me - but I have
no immediate alternative - I MUST work, until I find a better one I CANNOT
COMPLAIN, because I have NOT found a better one and I continue to survive
doing something I nearly hate at times and mostly with people that I
wouldn't 'hang out' with even if they were the last on earth.

But somewhere, someone is doing your old job - that exact same job, with a
better attitude, with better results - and maybe for even less money.  Most
significantly, they posses the gullibility that they might be getting a
decent trade for their labor, and as an extra bonus they try to find
interest in everything they do and possibly even "give a shit".

I think you're overdue a major attitude adjustment.
Otherwise you're REALLY going to regret this juncture when you finally come
to your senses.


On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 2:03 PM, David <> wrote:


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