[ot_caving] OT - Radio Flyer Wagon

2008-12-29 Thread David
Do you remember your little red wagon from your childhood? Did it have cup-holders, upholstered seats, iPod dock, speakers, seat-belts? http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2008/TECH/12/24/radio.flyer.wagon/RadioFlyer3.jpg - Give this

Re: [ot_caving] OT - Radio Flyer Wagon

2008-12-29 Thread Don Cooper
No. I put a piece of foam rubber in it though. It made rides down the hill more comfortable. Me and my brother figured how to steer it from sitting inside it with the 'tow handle' turned backwards and we'd ride it down the biggest hill within a mile of our house. It was fun as hell, fast and