This is the most incredible outsourcing news I have heard of so far.

Imagine you are in the drive thru at your local fast food joint, Taco
Bell, Jack-in-the-Box,

Now try to imagine that the person taking your order on that little speaker is
not inside the building, but somewhere else ( like Bangladesh, for example).

They enter your order in the computer and the cooks look on the
monitor to prepare
your order.     "Yu vant sheez on yu sheezvurger?"

The companies will soon be able to eliminate over 100,000 minimum wage
and instead hire 30,000 employees making 5 dollars per day with no worries
of lawsuits, paying sick leave or any benefits.

McDonalds has just started experimenting with this.

Talk about globalization.      Imagine what will happen in a few years when all
those sweat-shop workers in the call centers revolt.         We will
have to go back
to telling the guy at the 1st window what we want to eat and they will have
to write it down on a piece of paper with a pencil.      How awful!

David Locklear

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