As I perceive the current administration to be totally indifferent to the
disadvantaged - I don't have any hopes of influencing the way things are -
not until Barrack Obama actually takes office.

In the 'war against drugs' I feel that the *most* of those arrested are
victims of the state.  I do not feel that it is right to punish people who
have this problem - no matter what moral pulpit one stands behind!  For the
most part, the current policies only serve to further victimize those who
suffer from the disease of addiction.

Specifically, the Solomon-Lautenberg
perhaps one of the most disgraceful attacks against the common people
this country which has ever been devised.  Ever wonder why so many 'celebs'
are charged for driving with a suspended license?  It is because of this
amendment which makes a mandatory suspension of one's license statutory for
drug conviction - that so many people are driving without a license.  (And
you mostly only hear about this happening to people who otherwise have the
means to have other people drive them around!!!)


On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 6:56 AM, Quinta Wilkinson <>wrote:

>  They do work for us and we do have the right and need to tell them how we
> feel. If we do not then how can we complain?
> Quinta

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