This one is interesting but I am not sure it was the one I was looking for.
The info I heard this morning,  (UMM 2 am)  was on a housing project that used 
both sewage, trash, and garbage to make bio gas and recycle the trash. They had 
a vacum system built in that moved it along after a holding area was filled to 
some point. It was several years old and they only complaint was they did not 
place quite enough car parking. 

Taller buildings are on the outside, facing the sea and sheltering the inner 
spaces. Passages to the sea are narrow to keep the wind out. 

Bo01 has an open drainage system which traps rainwater on numerous living green 
roofs, in courtyard ponds and open channels. That allows the water to run off 
slowly into a saltwater canal or the sea. 

The ponds and canal not only look attractive - they provide habitats for 
wildlife, creating biodiversity. 

For recycling there are waste separation units close to home and a centralised 
system of vacuum waste chutes.

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