This post is for the history buffs out there.

Have you ever heard of the "Zimmerman Telegram?"

I don't remember being told of this in high school or college,
but I wasn't really paying attention.          I thought my teacher told us that
U.S. entered the war immediately started after the sinking of the Lusitania.

Apparently, someone claims Mr. Zimmerman acknowleged he sent the
telegram.            Otherwise, I would believe it was faked.

I can see where maybe Mexico would side with Germany in 1917, but
I can not see them giving any thought to a military strike against the
U.S.       They would have nothing to gain from that.

The Mexico Revolution was going on and Pancho Villa was
running around then.      Right?

If this telegram were true, the Germans were crazy.     Right?

If they had just had the internet, back then, I bet the whole
war could have been avoided.        It seems like the early days,
of the war were just a fault of miscommunication between a bunch
of arrogant monarchies.

David Locklear

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