It seems like every day there is something in the news about Iraq.

One reason I am so tired of hearing about it, is that you can't believe
a word of anything anybody is saying.       It is either misinformation
designed to confuse the so-called insurgents, or is designed to get
Al Qaida angry.

There are so many un-answered questions in Iraq.

For example,

How many Baath Party fugitives remain at large since the original
invasion?        20 percent seems to be the latest figure.

And how many of them really were who they claimed to have been?

And did we release any of them or are they awaiting trial?

And what happened to the 20 body doubles that Saddam allegedly had?
( What a bunch of crock that was! )

And the Iraqi news spokesman during the invasion.     What happened
to him?

And why didn't "shock and awe" kill some of the prominent Baath party
figures?      Why was that event almost pointless?      It was certainly
an indecisive battle?       But why?       What was Rumsfeld really up to?

Why are so many of the civilian casualties labeled as "Iraqi on Iraqi
violence?"        Wasn't that the original plan - to get the Iraqi's to
amongst themselves, so we wouldn't have to send in more battalions
on the ground?       I am sure the CIA had a hand in this strategy long
before the so-called "surge."      None of that was un-foreseen as they
would lead us simple folk to believe.

And of the millions of dollars the CIA spent during the last 5 years in
Iraq, what
constructive conclusion did this taxpayer money provide?     And how
much of it ended up in foreign bank accounts of Cheney and the Bushes?

And how could we allow the Saddam lynching to be so bungled?
Surely, Bush has hard evidence that Saddam really died in the hanging.
Right?      Will they ever share that with us little people?    ( I bet his
head in
in a jar somewhere at the CIA office or mounted on a plaque ).

And how much oil do you think the U.S. has smuggled out of Iraq for
its military purposes?

And finally, are the US soldiers having sex with foreign prostitutes
in Iraq?      And if so, are some of these secret brothels being operated
by US tax money?     And are some of these girls ( or boys ) being held
against their will?

Maybe in 20 years, we will get the Oliver Stone movie version of the movie
featuring music by classic music by Hannah Montana?


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