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Date: Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 12:22 PM
Subject: [Texascavers] NSS dues going up
To: Cavers Texas <>

membership class       dues now/new
regular                   $36/$40
associate                 $25/$30
basic                     $15/$24
family regular             $7/$10
family associate           $7/ $8
sustaining               $108/$120
life                     $720/$800
All people under 17 must be associate (or family associate) members.
Full-time students may be associate if they wish.
Family members do not receive publications. Basic members receive
almost no publications (it's a rotten deal).
Of the current sustaining dues, $79.20 is credited toward eventual
life membership. You are paying $72 over regular dues, so sustaining
membership amounts to a time-payment plan toward life with a 10%
discount. The corresponding credit for future years, with the new
sustaining dues, is $88. Of special interest just before a dues
increase is that the life membership fee toward which a sustaining
member is paying gets locked in to the life membership fee at the time
he becomes a sustaining member (provided he stays a sustaining
member). This means, for example, that someone who joins or renews now
as a sustaining member will pay off life membership in 8
years--probably even fewer, as sustaining dues and hence the annual
credit toward life are likely to increase again during that time. Of
course, someone who has credit toward life membership may pay off his
balance and instantly become a life member at any time.
There are also slightly discounted dues for all classes listed above
except life if you pay at once for two or three years--also worth
noting just before a dues increase, since you can get the current rate
for the additional years. There are also some more membership classes
I haven't listed.
If you think this looks messy, you should see the full details in
section I of the NSS bylaws. Some idiot has put the NSS bylaws in a
place on the NSS web site that can be visited only if you're already a
member, though. The two- and three-year old and new rates can be found
in the minutes of the November 2008 Board of Governors meeting. Of
course, those are also inaccessible unless you're already a member....
Why is that stuff secret?
I have NSS membership brochures, with most of the necessary numbers,
at UT Grotto meetings. If your grotto doesn't have them at every
meeting, beat somebody up. You can also join on the Web at
I haven't looked to see how well explained the membership rules and
fees are there. -- Bill Mixon
Feel free to forward this important stuff to other lists, etc.

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