The cut off is June 8th, not the 7th. The reasons are far from ridiculous.
Unlike an NSS Convention, ICS registration has a lot of complications with
dozens of trips, international quirks (like credit card companies declining
charges because they were made out of country without prior approval),
special registration options, translating messages, etc. that often take
huge amounts of extra time. About one third of the registrations we get
mailed or faxed in have errors (no expiration dates for credit cards,
contradictory information, wrong information, etc.). On top of that, we have
the unprecedented issue of refunding and rearranging dozens of registrations
because of trip changes as a result of White Nose Syndrome. Many of these
details and adjustments take 10 or more e-mail messages and phone calls to
correct. The Registration Committee has put in heroic hours to give prompt
and good service, but some of the more complicated issues they need to
resolve require more time when they can focus on them.

More than anyone else, I would love to extend that cut-off date. If things
go well for the Registration Committee, maybe we will extend the date. It
would give us better certainty in planning and ordering materials for the
ICS. But if they can't do it, we won't. We are walking the line between
increasing our certainty in planning while responsibly and correctly
handling funds and key ICS arrangements.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mixon Bill [] 
Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2009 8:43 PM
To: Cavers Texas
Subject: [Texascavers] ICS preregistration

Besides the preregistration going up on June 1, note that the deadline  
for any preregistration at all is June 7. Why this ridiculously early  
cutoff for the convenience of preregistration I have no idea.
He who renders warfare fatal to all engaged in it will be the greatest  
benefactor the world has yet known. - Sir Richard Burton
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