
Interesting. My answer is no, but then, we did not have as many people
or as much trash 20 or 30 years ago.



From: Don Cooper [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 1:35 PM
To: OT Texas Cavers
Subject: [ot_caving] The Bee Crisis


Just a thought -
as it seems that these scary accounts of the honey bee decline -
I noticed something I thought was a little strange the other day.
I had never noticed SO many bees in the garbage...
While taking industrial food waste to the big dumpster yesterday I was
really surprised to see that it wasn't buzzing with flies, but bees.
And the one thing that seemed to bring in the biggest number were empty
soda-dispenser syrup boxes.  That stuff is full of corn syrup sweetner.
Aside from microwave towers, and agricultural chemical products, it
might also be useful to look into the effects of the stuff bees are
exposed to when they pass up natural targets of flowers and seek out our
Does anyone recall seeing bees in the trash twenty or thirty years ago?

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