texascavers Digest 5 Jan 2011 19:35:08 -0000 Issue 1220

Topics (messages 16803 through 16808):

Re: Vietnam Cave
        16803 by: David
        16804 by: Mary Thiesse
        16807 by: Gill Edigar

Cavers in Puerto Rico?
        16805 by: John P Brooks

Cave accident in Tamasopo area, San Luis Potosi Mex.
        16806 by: sherppa

TSA 2011 Winter Business Meeting, Sunday, January 23rd
        16808 by: Mark.Alman.L-3com.com


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--- Begin Message ---
I only flipped thru the article in about 10 seconds, but it looked
like the author
of the article tried to hype up the exploration a little.

Above the photo of the caver bolt climbing, it reads in large letters
something to the effect that if
just one bolt breaks the caver falls to his death.

I don't know how many caver's feel they have ever "conquered" a cave,
but this cave doesn't look
all that complicated to conquer.

The illustration map of the cave is nice.   I only wish they had made it bigger.

I am curious about a related topic:    During the Vietnam war, did
Vietnamese soldiers on the ground
find large caves and did they use them, or did the locals use them to
hide from the war?

David Locklear

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>>>>>I don't know how many caver's feel they have ever "conquered" a cave,
but this cave doesn't look
all that complicated to conquer.

Let me guess David

1. Armchair caving has made you a bit overly cocky?

2. You are trying to piss off those individuals that do expedition caving?

3. 2011 is already turning out to be a bad year for you?

4. ???



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The cave is kick ass but appears to be moderately easy to traverse--no
supercavers required. The NG article is totally lame--something I've
gotten so used to I seldom read them anymore--just look at the
pictures and other graphics.

On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 10:18 AM, Mary Thiesse <wpipistre...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>>>I don't know how many caver's feel they have ever "conquered" a cave,
> but this cave doesn't look
> all that complicated to conquer.
> Let me guess David
> 1. Armchair caving has made you a bit overly cocky?
> 2. You are trying to piss off those individuals that do expedition caving?
> 3. 2011 is already turning out to be a bad year for you?
> 4. ???
> ________________________________

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Does anyone have any caver contacts in Puerto Rico? I will be down there in a 
few weeks...and think it would be fun to going caving for a day or two.

Please respond OFF LIST.

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An elderly woman 85 years old, fell into a 45+ ft deep pit and was miraculously 
unharmed, after spending nearly 16 hours inside. The cave is in Tamasopo area. 
The name of the octogenarian is Mary Lucas Rodríguez Moreno, who is known for 
the 22 residents of the small population as Luca, "and who lost his footing in 
a natural hole in the ground, shortly after four o'clock on Monday, when it 
came to walking. This pit is used by people in the community as a dumping 
sewage. (google translation).
Espeleo Rescate México was alerted, but it was not necesary to go because the 
rescue was carried out by the Mexican Red Cross and Firefighters from Ciudad 
valles and Rioverde SLP.
Newspaper note: http://www.pulsoslp.com.mx/Notas.aspx?Nota=791 

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(A "heads up": If you find all of this "Official" stuff boring, please
stop reading and delete now! Otherwise, read this missive in its
entirety and you'll see a special reward for any and all who attend!)








Happy New Year, y'all!



We will be having our first exciting and riveting TSA Business meeting
of 2011 at High Noon, Sunday, January 23rd at the TSS Offices on the UT



If you have questions or problems, please contact me at
texascav...@yahoo.com <mailto:texascav...@yahoo.com>  or 214-289-9181 or
Ron Ralph at ronra...@austin.rr.com <mailto:ronra...@austin.rr.com>  or


Please let me and Ron know if you will be attending, so that James will
have your name. 


A Pickle Research Campus map is at: http://www.utexas.edu/maps/prc/
Click on the "NW Area" to find TM-2 or building 18-A located on the main
entrance road. It is a three-story brick affair with entrance on the
west. Park to the south in the PETEX lot across the street (Read
Granberry Trail) from building 18-A


We can easily seat 12 or so folks easily and more if they want to sit
away from the big table. Visitors will be welcome, just sign in with Ron
or me so that James can secure access.



Here's the agenda and minutes from the last meeting:





2011 Winter Business Meeting

TSS Offices on the UT Campus, Sunday, January 23rd, 2011

Texas Speleological Association





*       Welcome and Introductions 


*       Chairman's Report 


*       Vice Chairman's Report 


*       Secretary's Report  - Minutes of TSA Fall Business Meeting at
TCR Hidden Falls Adventure Park, Sunday, October 17th, 2010


*       Treasurers Report 


*         TSA Projects - Jim Kennedy 

                *       Gov't Canyon - Marvin Miller
                *       Colorado Bend State Park  - Crash
                *       Longhorn Cavern Project - Mark Alman
                *       Inner Space Caverns Project - Mark Alman
                *       Hill Country State Natural Area & Devils River -
Rob Bissett
                *       Camp Wood Ranch and West Texas Leads- Arron
                *       Future Project Ideas 


*       Standing Committee Reports 


        *       TSA Website - Butch Fralia 
        *       Membership Chair - TBA 
        *       Conservation Committee - Open and Jim Kennedy (WNS
        *       Safety and Techniques - David Ochel 
        *       Publications - Mark Alman 

                *       The TEXAS CAVER and status of online access to
back issues.

        *       TSA Store - Lee Jay Graves


*       Old Business 

        *       TSA Spring Convention - April 1st-3rd, 2011, Fort Clark
Springs, Brackettville, TX
        *       New TSA Bat Stickers and Die - Don Arburn and Lee Jay


*       New Business 


*       Announcements?



*       End of Meeting (Let's go home!)





17 October, 2010


(Convened at TCR at Hidden Falls Adventure Park in Marble Falls)
Submitted by Denise Prendergast


Officers Present: Mark Alman, Chairman; Ellie Thoene, Vice-Chairman;
Denise Prendergast, Secretary


Officers Absent: Darla Bishop, Treasurer


TSA Members and Cavers in Attendance: Don Arburn, Jim Kennedy, Linda
Palit, Ann Scott, Ryan Monjaras, Marvin Miller, Michael Cicherski,
Lyndon Tiu, Butch Fralia, Matt Turner, Bill Russell, Lee Jay Grimes,
Christopher Francke, Leslie Bell, Kenny McGee, Ron Ralph, Mike Furrey,
Chris Vreeland, Logan McNatt, Jon Cradit, Roger Moore


Welcome and Introductions/Chairman's Report: (Alman). Alman convened
meeting at 9:20 am. Thanked all for coming. Good TCR.


Vice-Chairman's Report: (Thoene). Thoene discussed upcoming TSA spring
convention April 1 -3 in Bracketville at Fort Clark Springs, the site of
the 1994 convention.


Secretary's Report: (Prendergast). 

o  Minutes from the Spring Meeting were distributed. It was asked if any
corrections were necessary, and no one said yes. A motion was made and
carried to accept the minutes. 

o  Between-meeting business. Alman stated that a deposit of $250 for the
TSA spring convention had previously been approved. 


Treasurer's Report: (Alman). Bishop absent so Alman passed around copies
of the Treasurer's Report. 

o  Michael Cicherski will be the next Treasurer as he is running
unopposed. Darla did a great job.

o  Through 10/08/2010, the TSA had assets of $7,017.01 ($3,342.56 in
operating account and $3,674.45 in the savings account).

o  There are 174 current paid members with 52 receiving on line only
versions of The Texas Caver.

o  Spring convention brought in income of $2,179.00 and had expenditures
of $1,464.04, for a profit of $714.96.

o  The TSA store has brought in $905.62 so far this year, with no

o  Publishing The Texas Caver cost $664.65 in May and $735.97 in

o  In September, there was a website fee of $107.88.


Standing Committee Reports


TSA Projects-(Kennedy). Kennedy passed around a summary of TSA projects.
It is attached to these minutes. Kennedy stated that Marvin needs help
at Government Canyon. Kennedy stated that Rob Bissett is not here but is
initiating caving projects at Hill Country State Natural Area and
Devil's River. Joe Ranzau is the new park manager at Devil's River so
this might open up some caving opportunities there. The Texascavers
(i.e. Cavetex) email list is the best way to get this type of
information. People should email Butch to put trips on TSA website. Matt
Turner said he will put them on the UT Grotto website if people email
him. Kennedy said Alman is working with Longhorn Caverns; they need help
after flooding. Innerspace Caverns also would like some caver help.


            See report below:


TSA Website-(Fralia). Fralia said he is happy to be back after health
problems. The website is up to date. Signed up members can make calendar
entries themselves. Visitation is 2500 per month.


Membership Committee-Alman said we need a chairman, and Ryan Monjaras
stepped up and volunteered. He is the secretary of the Bexar Grotto.


Conservation Committee - (Tiu). Kennedy discussed WNS. The fungus has
been found as far west as Woodward City, OK although no fatalities
there. Cave managers are being careful as human transmission is
suspected. All cavers should be extremely careful about using
decontaminated, clean gear, especially if a person caves in multiple


Safety and Techniques-(David Ochel absent). Kennedy said that the Laguna
de Sanchez project got an NSS grant to buy a sked. People can borrow it.
Will do some demonstrations soon on its proper use. Linda Palit said she
too has a sked at her house available for loan. 


Publications-(Alman). Alman said we are in the black with publication of
The Texas Caver. Helps to have on-line only members. Keeping it to 32
pages. Needs articles. Butch has done a great job of putting back issues
on the website. Only members can read the last years' worth, but anyone
can read the older ones. Alman stated that he is trying to get a CD
together with all 58 years of The Texas Caver; however, there are major
gaps between 1955 and 1974. Logan McNatt said he needs to get rid of old
issues. Kennedy suggested putting an ad in the NSS News for a few


TSA Store - (Graves). Graves said we have made about $300 this TCR.
Stickers are the best movers. Arburn discussed producing more yellow
Texas bat stickers. Materials are expensive. He and Lee Jay will look
into this further. 


Old Business


TSS/TSA Trailer Committee Report - Kennedy said the new trailer is
stored at Gill's. It has made things much easier.

Putting The Texas Caver Free On Line - Alman said that this has already
been discussed. 

New Business


TSA Spring Convention - Thoerne said this has already been discussed.
There are caves in the area. It is a pretty location.  

Election Report - Ron Ralph said there have been 29 votes so far. Some
have asked ballots to be mailed to them.  


Kennedy said he has a list on the Laguna de Sanchez website of common
Spanish caving terms. Send him new ones or corrections.

Set Next Meeting and Adjourn

Alman said he would like to have it at CBSP during the January trip, but
Kennedy said it makes things harder for him. No final decision on when
and where.


Alman made the motion to conclude meeting at approximately 10:30 am
(forgot to note time). Seconded and motion carried.





Report to the Texas Speleological Association

Texas Cavers Reunion

Hidden Falls Adventure Park, Marble Falls, Texas

17 October 2010

Jim Kennedy, TSA Projects Committee Chair



Since the project was restarted in November of 2009 there have been 6
trips.  The average attendance for each trip is 9 participants.  These
trips have contributed 521 total volunteer hours to Texas Parks and
Wildlife Department, for a Volunteer Value of $6746.95 in 2009 dollars
($12.95/hour).  Once Marvin gives me the breakdown by year, I will be
able to assign some of those hours to the higher 2010 rate

The recent Project emphasis has been on digging in sinks and surveying.
Indian Cave and Little Rocks Cave have been surveyed. Survey in Lost
Pothole has been continued. In-cave digs following blowing leads in Lost
Pothole and Dancing Rattler Cave have been started. A breakthrough is
close in both caves. Maps for Ixta's Cave and Goat Cave have been

The Canyon Ranch tract (~400 acres) was added to the park in 2005. At
the time it was known that a geological assessment survey had located
several caves on this tract. The park recently obtained the consultant's
report relevant to this assessment and we have been working on verifying
cave locations.  There are 7 known caves, 4 of which have endangered
species. Miller authored a management plan to allow one visit to each of
the endangered species caves in order to confirm cave description and
location. TPWD and USFWS still need to approve the plan. Eventually we
would like to have access to these caves to completely explore and map
them. We will survey the remaining 3 caves that do not have the
endangered species restrictions. Indian Cave, mentioned earlier, is one
of these.


There have been regular monthly trips to CBSP, except during the hot
summer months (June-September).  Participation varies, but in general
there are 15-20 participants each month. Last weekend was the first trip
for the 2010-2011 season, and we had 29 participants. Caves continue to
be discovered, sinkholes dug open, features GPSed, and caves mapped.
Mark Gee has been working on reducing our backlog of surveyed caves that
have no maps as yet.  The Park continues their prescribed burning
program, which clears areas and allows more caves to be found.  Recent
maps of Park caves include a resurvey of Lemons Ranch Cave.


Project is officially completed.  Several TSA members assisted at the
Park's grand opening this spring, when it opened to the public at last.
Jerry Atkinson has been busy drafting up maps from the recent surveys to
compile a "Caves of Kickapoo Cavern SP" publication.  He hoped to have
it for the grand opening, but life got in the way.  Bat monitoring at
Stuart Bat Cave continues.

4. NEWLY PROPOSED PROJECTS (not yet official)

            A. Devils River SNA - Rob Bissett

            B. Hill Country SNA - Rob Bissett

            B. Longhorn Cavern SP - Mark Alman

            C. Inner Space Cavern - Mark Alman


If you have any comments, suggestions, additions to the agenda, or
constructive criticism, please send it my way.




As a special treat, the TSA Officers have agreed that pizza and soft
drinks will be supplied to all who attend.


Happy, happy, joy, joy!



See you there!







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