FW: Today's sms....

2012-05-21 Thread partha_padma devarajan
Kapil Sibal says no more cartoons in textbooks. We'd like to say the same for Parliament !

FW: The Alphabets Intelligently Arranged ..

2012-05-21 Thread partha_padma devarajan
'A'lways 'B'e 'C'ool. 'D'on't have 'E'go with 'F'riends.'G'iveup 'H'urting 'I'ncidences. 'J'ust 'K'eep L'oving 'M'ankind 'N'ever 'O'mit 'P'rayers. 'Q'uietly 'R'emember the Lord. 'S'peak 'T'ruth. 'U'se 'V'alid 'W'ords. 'X'press 'Y'our 'Z'eal.

WORLD WILD LIFE:::::::::::::::: Fund’s Poster

2012-05-21 Thread MGK Nair
* * *How many endangered animals can you spot in the World Wildlife Fund’s poster warning about deforestation?* *By Nadia Gilani* Now you see them, now you don't - a striking portrayal of animals hidden in a rain forest which could all be wiped out as a result of deforestation are revealed in a


2012-05-21 Thread S Chander
*Difficult to fathom the purpose of this well known quote without any reference or details. * ** *However, may be it conveys what you intend, to some one concerned. * I have come to the conclusion that politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politician. *~Charles de Gaulle, * *General