*Sandeep Balakrishna*

*23 May 2020*

*The rediscovery
of a five-foot Shiva Lingam, pillars, and broken Murtis of Devis and
Devatas at Ayodhya simply means this: they were only awaiting sunlight
after languishing in cavernous darkness for five hundred years into which
they were so mercilessly flung after being shattered by the
peace-delivering warriors of a compassionate desert cult.*

It would’ve been surprising if nothing was found at the sacred Ram
Janmabhoomi site where work is fast progressing to rebuild his grand home
and welcome him back.

*It’s actually the same story everywhere. There’s every chance that the
more ancient a masjid is, the greater the chances that it was built on the
debris of a destroyed temple.*

For exhaustive details, I won’t tire recommending the gold-standard
research work, *Hindu Temples: What Happened to Them *in two volumes *by
the warrior-Rishi Sita Ram Goel.* It is a sunshine tragedy of our time that
no scholar or researcher followed up this seminal work and sacred
foundation that he laid almost singlehandedly.

Dr. Meenakshi Jain’s recent brilliance
of *Flight of the Deities *easily ranks in that standard but such efforts
should ideally be in multiples of ten for meaningful civilisational
recovery to occur.

*Also Read: Ram Swarup and Sita Ram Goel: Intellectual Kshatriyas who
Wielded the Pen like a Sabre

*The twin duties of Raja Dharma, dushta shikshana (punishing evil people)
and shishta rakshana (protecting good people) are inseparable. *

However, the sort of Raja Dharma that India got after “independence” can
best be described as *Adharma Rajya (unrighteous rule) whose focused
pursuit was shishta peedana (persecution of the good), the calculated and
systematic destruction of everything good, noble, brilliant, ethical,
virtuous and spiritual in our ancient cultural heritage.*

*Dr. S.L. Bhyrappa captures this entire savage phenomenon in just one line
where he holds Mrs. Indira Gandhi singularly responsible for the
destruction of the inherited ethical and spiritual values of an entire

But for this destruction, legions of Congress politicians who were till
then openly proud of their Hindu roots and culture were pounded into
submissive silence whose long-term consequences led to the avoidable
mass-murder of Kar Sevaks by the Mulayam Singh Yadav government.

*Also Read: Introduction to The Theory and Practice of Marxist History
Writing in India: Indira Gandhi's Forgotten Time Capsule
Two Kinds of Communist Revolutions

While Mrs. Gandhi inflicted this wreckage in the political and social
realms,* her Communist buddies and lickspittles did far more extensive
damage in the cultural and civilisational spheres, a story that is
well-known. *This has to be briefly understood on the ideological plane.

In hardcore Communist theory and practice, there are two broad methods and
tactics of ushering in the revolution. In their lingo, it is known as
from the top and revolution from the bottom.*

*Revolution from the top* implies a systematic capture of all top
institutions in a democracy—by filling in legislatures and parliament with
as many communists as possible, by infiltrating the bureaucracy, academia,
and quite obviously, the judiciary. *The kind of men and women who
surrounded Mrs. Gandhi at the topmost levels of power were not only
hardcore communists but paid agents of the USSR who wouldn’t blink before
betraying India.*

Indeed, the Soviets spared no effort and resource in trying to topple the
first-ever non-Congress government headed by Morarji Desai by recruiting
MPs and ministers from his own cabinet, as the forgotten *Morarji Papers *show.
Two key names are interesting: George Fernandes and Madhu Limaye.

*Revolution from the bottom* implies ideological brainwashing of the
proverbial illiterate masses against the ruling government eventually
leading to its overthrow and replacement by a Communist dictatorship.* In
India, this proved far tougher. Indeed, we owe immeasurable gratitude to
these masses because the majority of this population were innocent Hindus
who preserved their ancient Dharma through their simple illiteracy and what
is known as superstition.* They were the hardest nuts to crack. *And so
folks like Medha Patkar, for example, were deployed to poison their minds
using a different tactic which we’re all familiar with. *A variant of this
was used with the unfortunate tribals who suffered a triple loss: they lost
their ancient, unbroken tradition and culture, were denied the so-called
aspirational urban life, and thousands were killed because they were
convinced to wage war against the Indian state.
Creating a Generational Supply of Ideologues

*But the intersection of the revolution from the top and bottom is the
academia, specifically education.* *In the necromancy called communism,
education ranks almost in equal importance to the capture of absolute
political power. *Only education has the power to alter entire generations
and its capture ensures that they *create communist ideologues from the
scratch and have a readymade supply. * *When the only books that are
available to children and impressionable teenagers are those written by
communists, all possibilities for alternate ways of thinking and world
views are closed at the very outset. Thus, the background of the student no
longer matters: it could be the son or daughter of a poor farmer, labourer
or Kareena Kapoor.*
The Maze of the Indira Gandhi Ecosystem

Needless, it is impossible to pull off this kind of wholesale assault on
education and history specifically, without unstinted political support.
Let’s take the most eminent distorian of them all: *Romila Thapar. *

She is Romesh Thapar’s younger sister. Romesh Thapar was one of the closest
advisors to Mrs. Gandhi and had 24/7 access to her home. As teenager, his
daughter was friends with Sanjay Gandhi and his wife was nominated to
various important positions say, a directorship at the Bal Bhavan. They
would be invited to wine and dine with Fidel Castro, fly over to the US and
stay with John Kenneth Galbraith, chief ministers would woo them…in short,
they were the actual upper echelons of political power. *The founder and
editor of Seminar, Romesh Thapar was also a committed communist for a long
time before breaking away with the CPI but his Marxist indoctrination
stayed with him throughout. And this is a fraction of a fraction of this
kind of crazy maze that enabled our cultural destruction.*

*Also Read: Romila Thapar's Haughty Screed and Sita Ram Goel's Scholarly

*Given this, Romila Thapar and her ilk occupying top positions at the ICHR
for example, is entirely unsurprising.* Revolution from the top. *It is
precisely this proximity to political power that gave them the brazen gall
to ignore, shout down and demonise first rate scholars and independent
researchers like Ram Swarup, Sita Ram Goel, et al.*

*But the face they showed to the outside world was that of objective, even
“scientific” academics and historians whereas most of them were cadres of
the CPI or CPI(M).* And quite naturally, *their concubines in the media*
would pump up and distend their “academic” credentials. A hugely lucrative
racket. The racket began to unravel in direct proportion to the loss of
their political patronage. *The Murtis that have resurfaced in Ayodhya is
just the latest instance of the near-total loss of the Stalinist grip of
these eminent cultural necromancers.*
Holocaust of Hindu History

*The truth is that our eminent distorians haven’t merely distorted history.
They have committed holocaust on Hindu history. But the bigger crime
against the Sanatana civilisational memory is the fact that they have
gotten away with the holocaust. The Allahabad High Court’s open castigation
of a bunch of these Communist Nazis is akin to hitting them with a feather.
Even here, the bosses escaped with impunity, only their lowly foot soldiers
had to face the judge’s ire.*

A visit to the *United States Holocaust Memorial Museum* in Washington, DC
is an experience that shakes your core. The top banner of its website
<https://www.ushmm.org/information/visit-the-museum/plan-your-visit> boldly
proclaims the following:

*Remember the Survivors and Victims*

*Confront Genocide and Antisemitism*

Among its awe-inspiring collections painstakingly curated by thousands of
folks over the decades is something known as *Nazi Propaganda. *This is a
wealth of firsthand historical records…films, photographs, news cuttings,
letters, posters, booklets, slides, and artwork that give us an appalling
picture of the sort of anti-Jewish propaganda unleashed by Hitler and his
psychopathic ruffians in the Nazi party.

*The rediscovery of the Murtis and the ongoing rebuilding efforts at
Ayodhya is an auspicious sign as any to initiate a parallel activity of
building an Indian Communist Holocaust Memorial Museum at Ayodhya, with
chapters throughout India. *

*Also Read: How the Secular Historians Transformed Punyabhumi Ayodhya into
an International Crime Scene and Got Away With it

*The words of numerous folks that I interacted at Ayodhya still resonate.*

*All these people…historians, experts, secularists, film people…all of them
ganged up together and transformed this Tirthakshetra and Punyabhumi into
an international crime scene and have painted all Hindus as criminals
solely because they worship Prabhu Ram ji. In those days, if we said we
were from Ayodhya, in some circles, we were looked upon as if we were

*Fortunately, we don’t need to put in painstaking effort. The Communists
and secularists and left liberals have left behind a treasure-chest of
text, statements, photographs, documentaries, movies, and other records of
their Ram-Mandir related holocaust crimes in public domain. *

All that needs is their diligent collection, curation and categorisation,
something which a person with a basic degree in library science can
effectively accomplish.

*Also Read: The Fourth Generation War is Being Fought in Coffee Shops in
Urban India and the Last Chance to Combat it

*The alternative is already a daily reality. The Communists no longer need
to distort Hindu history anymore. They’ve already created generational
clones of Hindu teenagers and youth who not only don’t know any history but
don’t care, and they’ve let them loose against their own parents, a
real-life theme
that is described in the fourth generation warfare. Textbooks are

*The darshan of the grand, rebuilt Ram Mandir must culminate in a visit to
this Communist Holocaust Museum. It might not bring closure but it will
certainly serve as a reminder and warning of how close Hindus had come to
losing Sri Ramachandra’s home.*

*Dushta Shikshana* has been neglected for far too long.

*|| Sri Rama Jayam ||*


New Findings At Ram Janmabhoomi Site Expose Once Again The Intellectual
Dishonesty Of ‘Eminent Experts’

*Harshil Mehta*

*23 May 2020*

*It is a travesty of truth when so-called ‘experts’ pronounce opinions in
court when they do not have any knowledge of the matter, as in the case of
Sri Ram Janmabhoomi.*

*And when hard evidence against their concoctions are presented, they
should all the more zip their lips. *

*Please read @*

*New Findings At Ram Janmabhoomi Site Expose Once Again The Intellectual
Dishonesty Of ‘Eminent Experts’

New Findings At Ram Janmabhoomi Site Expose Once Again The Intellectual ...

Harshil Mehta

The finds are not surprising, except in the background of the intellectual
dishonesty of the ‘experts’

S Chander

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