Mr Rajaram, 

Thank you for pointing out airlines charging extra money for linear 
measurements. It was about five years back, my son in law brought a drum set 
for the son from Dubai to Chennai. He suggested to take to Bangalore where my 
daughter reside with son by flight , while she go from Chennai. Not knowing 
much on linear measurements at that time, , weight was with in limits, but we 
thought it was OK. But Indigo flight charged extra 2500-00. 

I forgot to add this note. Thank you for pointing out Linear 

    On Tuesday, 21 May, 2024 at 07:23:58 am IST, Rajaram Krishnamurthy 
<> wrote:  

Q2             Ifthe Bhagavad Gita says no masala foods (spicy), then why do 
all the IndianHindus eat masala food?

KR              B Gadvises what I is the food to be eaten in 3 chapters; chap 
17 advocates what isgood for yagna alone is sattvic and the rest are disease 
prone. Do you meanKrishna does not advise? 

kaṭu—bitter; amla—sour; lavaṇa—salty; ati-uṣhṇa—very hot;tīkṣhṇa—pungent; 
rūkṣha—dry; vidāhinaḥ—full of chillies; āhārāḥ—food;rājasasya—to persons in the 
mode of passion; iṣhṭāḥ—dear; duḥkha—pain;śhoka—grief; āmaya—disease; 

katv-amla-lavanaty-ushna- tikshna-ruksha-vidahinah

ahara rajasasyeshta duhkha-shokamaya-pradah


BG 17.9: Foods that are too bitter, too sour, salty, veryhot, pungent, dry, and 
full of chillies, are dear to persons in the mode ofpassion. Such foods produce 
pain, grief, and disease.

When vegetarian foods are cooked with excessive chilies,sugar, salt, etc. they 
become rājasic. While describing them, the word “very”can be added to all the 
adjectives used. Thus, rājasic foods are very bitter,very sour, very salty, 
very hot, very pungent, very dry, full of chillies, etc.They produce 
ill-health, agitation, and despair. Persons in the mode of passionfind such 
foods attractive, but those in the mode of goodness find themdisgusting. The 
purpose of eating is not to relish bliss through the palate,but to keep the 
body healthy and strong. As the old adage states: “Eat to live; do not live 
toeat.” Thus, the wise partake of foods that are conducive to good health,and 
have a peaceable impact upon the mind i.e., sāttvic foods.

yāta-yāmam—stale foods; gata-rasam—tasteless; pūti—putrid;paryuṣhitam—polluted; 
cha—and; yat—which; uchchhiṣhṭam—left over; api—also;cha—and; amedhyam—impure; 
bhojanam—foods; tāmasa—to persons in the mode ofignorance; priyam—dear

yata-yamam gata-rasam puti paryushitam cha yat

uchchhishtam api chamedhyam bhojanam tamasa-priyam

BG 17.10: Foods that are overcooked, stale, putrid,polluted, and impure are 
dear to persons in the mode of ignorance.

Q3             Arethe descendants of Pandavas and Kauravas living now?

KR         After all90% of the population and the 75% of the brahmins may not 
know the  3rd generation for the tharpanamand sradham and are using common 
names Lakshmi , Rukmini etc. And a sillyquestion by  Little Known Giggles

Q4             Whatis something interesting about computers that most people 
don't know?

KR        A bigBluff by Luminous Keyboard Gurus

The use of a 3D maze screen saver on older computersserved several purposes:


Entertainment: A 3D maze screen saver provided users witha visually engaging 
and interactive experience during periods of computerinactivity. Instead of 
staring at a static screen or blank desktop, users couldwatch as the screen 
saver generated and navigated through intricate 3D mazes,offering entertainment 
and a break from work or tasks.

Demonstration of Graphics Capabilities: For many users,especially those 
unfamiliar with computers, a 3D maze screen saver showcasedthe graphics 
capabilities of their system. It demonstrated the computer'sability to render 
three-dimensional environments in real-time, even if thegraphics were 
relatively simple by modern standards.

Technical Showcase: Developers of 3D maze screen saversoften used them as a 
technical showcase to highlight their programming skillsor the capabilities of 
their graphics engines. Creating a visually appealingand smoothly animated 3D 
maze required optimization and clever algorithms,making it a demonstration of 
technical prowess.

Customization and Personalization: Some 3D maze screensavers allowed users to 
customize various parameters such as maze complexity,size, texture, and 
navigation speed. This level of customization allowed usersto tailor the screen 
saver to their preferences and provide a personalizedexperience.

Relaxation and Stress Reduction: Watching the mesmerizingmovement through a 3D 
maze could have a calming effect on users, serving as aform of relaxation or 
stress reduction. The repetitive motion and immersiveenvironment provided a 
brief escape from the demands of work or daily life.

Overall, the use of a 3D maze screen saver on oldercomputers offered a 
combination of entertainment, technical demonstration,customization, and 
relaxation, enhancing the user experience during periods ofcomputer inactivity. 
(courtesy: Computer world)

Q5             Whatis a life-changing travel hack that you have recently 

KR           Airlines do make money not only on weight but also on 
linearmeasurements. Amazon scale may be a guideline but never accurate. And the 
weighingscale standard is good but one cannot place the suitcases or carry bags 
on thescale. So the best way to do it is, weigh yourself; weigh the bag carried 
by you;the difference in weight is that of the bag. If you report 32,3 kg or 
7,2; drop 0.5 and taketo the airport; it will be OK; in Business class more 
leniency is shown. Instead of23 kg and 7 kg permit 32 kg and 3 check in and 2 
hand luggage apart fromcomputer, ladies hand bag etc. Books and umbrellas can 
also be carried exclusively.The weighing scale of amazon needs extra food  to 
be eaten to lift up with weight. 

KR IRS 20524


On Mon, 20 May 2024 at 08:38, 'gopala krishnan' via Thatha_Patty 
<> wrote:

CULTURAL QA 05-2024-20A

All the BELOW  QA are from  Quora  digest to me  on  20-05-2024.

Quora answers need not be 100% correct answers 

.Compiled and posted by R. Gopalakrishnan,  on 20-05-2024

Q1             What's the funniest thing a kid hassaid or done?

A1             DonaldMcCririck, High School teacher, counsellor10y

As we drove along in the car, my daughter, who was about 3 or4 at the time, sat 
quietly - a little more so than usual. Then she asked,"Papa, when are you going 
to die?" I immediately assured her that Iwas healthy, I wasn't going to die for 
a very long time, not to worry etc. Tomy surprise she looked a bit saddened by 
my answer, so I asked what was wrong.She said, "I want a cat, and mum says I 
can't have one because you areallergic."

Q2             If the Bhagavad Gita says no masalafoods (spicy), then why do 
all the Indian Hindus eat masala food?

A2             DevalaRees, Practitioner of Sanatana Dharma under Mata 
Amritanandamayi Dec 30

Key word: If. The Bhagavad Gita does not say “no masala/spicyfoods”. I think 
you’re referring to Bhagavad Gita 17.9, which says that ati-uṣhṇa,tīkṣhṇa, and 
vidāhinaḥ foods produce distress, sorrow, and poor health. Theseterms refer to 
the most extremely spicy, fiery hot foods, which enflameRajoguna.

Notably, the Bhagavad Gita doesn’t say not to eat them. TheBhagavad Gita is not 
in the business of telling people do’s and don’ts. Itgives the information of 
the subtle effects such foods will cause, and thensays “Considering all of this 
carefully, do as you see fit.” Some such foodsare okay. Too much will cause 
problems. Different people’s physiologies canhandle different levels of spice; 
what may make one person feel bad and ruintheir day may be okay for another. 
Too much will be bad for anyone. TheBhagavad Gita encourages us to use our 
intelligence, not just followone-size-fits-all dictates like absolute 
commandments. It suggests that if youexperience distress, sorrow, or ill health 
in your life, one area to look at isyour diet, which may be part of the problem.

To be sure, I do think a lot of Indian Hindus eat unhealthydiets and should 
really work on improving this.

Q3             Are the descendants of Pandavas andKauravas living now?

A3             ReshmaaArmad, Lives in India 6y

Yuyutsu was the only Kaurava to survive according to LordKrishna’s sermon, 
because he fought in the side of the Pandavas. All the otherswere claimed 
slain. But he was not the son of Gandhari. The other 100 Kauravasand he had the 
same father Dridharashtra, but Yuyutsu’s mother was Sugadha, aVaishya clan 
woman. Then, the five Pandava brothers are claimed to be survivedthe battle as 


When Gandhari (mother of the 100 Kauravas) heard about thatall of her 100 sons 
were slain, she cursed Krishna saying that this was all hiswork and the Yadava 
clan will go down soon. Some of the Yadavas decided to mocka few sages by 
placing a mace under their dress and pretending to be pregnant.The sage cursed 
them that their end would be brought about by that very mace.Krishna had known 
that it will be the mace of destruction of his clan. The clanmembers powder the 
mace(With a triangle piece not breaking down) and dump itinto the sea to be 
safe. That powdered iron somehow reached the shores ofDwaraka, grew into the 
form of a poisonous spined creeper all over the shore.One day intoxicated 
Yadava members start fighting along the shore. They startpulling out the 
creepers to use as weapons, which brings them to theirdownfall.

A hunter called Jara finds that one triangular piece and usesit as an 
arrowhead. Mistaking a meditating Krishna’s foot as the mouth of adeer, he 
shoots his foot with the arrow, killing Krishna. It is believed thatBali was 
reborn as hunter Jara as Vishnu in his Ram Avatar killed Bali frombehind when 
Bali and sugriva were fighting.

So ,it is shown as example that law of karma works in Hindumythology 
irrespective of stature .

Thus, though late, the Yadava descendents were wiped out,according to 
Gandhari’s curse.

Q4             What is something interesting aboutcomputers that most people 
don't know?

A4             StartSameer,7mo

Do you remember those old computer screensavers, like theWindows logo floating 
around or the 3D Pipes and the Maze? I used to think theywere just for fun, but 
they actually had a job to do.

Back in the day, computer screens could get damaged if thesame picture stayed 
on them for too long. This damage was called 'screen burn.'

So, to prevent screen burn, the screensaver would kick inafter a while, and it 
showed moving stuff like the 3D pipe. It wasn't there forus to watch; it was 
there to protect the screen.

Q5             What is a life-changing travel hackthat you have recently 

A5             ShaunakBhattacharjeee, Software Engineer | Traveller | Foodie 
Feb 24

Airline companies are very strict with their 15-kilogramcheck-in bag limit and 
if you exceed it by a single kilo, be ready to pay400–500 rupees for every 
additional kilogram of weight. Even though I pack verylightly, I always try to 
weigh my bag before going to the airport. But theproblem is, with the weighing 
scales that people use to measure their own bodyweight, an accurate reading of 
the luggage’s weight cannot be obtained.Sometimes, the edges of the bag touch 
the ground, sometimes you hold the bag tobalance it and that also gives an 
incorrect reading. It has happened at timesthat the weighing scale showed 10 
kgs but at the airport, it became 13 kgs. Italso happened once that the scale 
showed 16 kgs and I removed some items frommy bag only to find that the scale 
read 10 kgs at the airport. I regrettedhaving left two pairs of jeans at home.

Weighing scales are good for checking your body weight butyou need something 
different for checking the weight of your bags. It was verynecessary for me to 
ensure that the weight of my bag was under the limit thistime because I will be 
flying with Air Asia on a ‘cabin bag only’ ticket which allows me a single bag 
of 7kgs only. If it exceeds a single kilo, I would need to check in my bagwhich 
would cost 22,00 rupees more. So I had to ensure it didn't exceed asingle gram 
over 7 kg! But weighing the bag accurately was a challenge too.

I came across this thing on Amazon that uses the concept oftraditional spring 
balance, the one we read about in our Physics textbook atschool which has a 
hook attached to it at one end that helps you to accuratelymeasure the weight 
of the bag. You need to hold the handle of the bag by thehook, ensure that the 
bag is off the ground and the instrument gives you theaccurate weight. In this 
way, I can put as many things as I can in my bag andstill be sure not to exceed 
the baggage allowance.

This isn't a product advertisement and therefore, I am notnaming the product or 
adding the link but you can search for something like‘bag weighing machine’ on 
Amazon and find similar devices. This one cost mejust 300 rupees and it could 
be an investment for a lifetime! I think it'sbetter to pay 300 rupees for a 
weighing machine that you can use over the yearsthan pay thousands of rupees 
for additional baggage weight at the airport.

My note- Google searchresult

Is airasia strict with 7kg luggage?

Theairline has a strict and very low carryon allowance of 7kg, which includes 
botha roller bag and a personal item weighed together. Some flights offer 
anXtra-Carry-On option, which doubles the allowance to 14kg for $20.9 Mar 2023


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