Q5     Sending money is taking care of elderly and the US children feel for
it?. Did the parent throw only the money and nothing else? What is written
there is thrash. Maintaining the parent is a yeoman service. No nation
would oppose it and certain legal formalities may have to be carried out.
Parents did not appoint nurses to take care of their school children. The
greed of money blindfolded the children when they were , who danced to the
music of their spouse; but when touching the 40 and their children showing
their might against them, the children suddenly remembered the parent, by
which time, they were.are unable even to fly.   No lip service please and
no excuses. Where there is a will there's a way.
Q6  Jagdishwaranand: Who is Jagadiswara nanda? Vedic society C A USA
chief?. He has written many books. But how does the author say he is
authentic and is there any evidence of interpolations for the author to
mention?. Ramayanam and Mahabharatham versions are too many all over the
world, but the artistic taste can be relished but how can that become an
authority?. One poet wrote that Sita was the daughter of Ravana and hence
in order to invite the son in law he took away sita etc; can it be
authentic?. Draupati married 5 husbands and Krishna having 16000 wives are
not VULGAR as Naraka often mentioned about the elders as vice-incorporates.
Goraka perhaps follows suit.
Q7   stupidity is thy name ........... Towels on chairs in the office?.
Q8    Tank cleaners as men and scientific materials available.
Q11   What is the connection between evolution and the structure of
species?. Why did apes not turn into a man after the reasons attributed by
the evolutionists?. Have you seen the structure of a Bharatha natyam dancer
when practicing the dance for years together and when the dance practice
totally stopped?. Have you seen the sprintsters in practice and their
nimble bottom legs?. None were there at the time of birth. You go Gym and
retain your six pack and when you stop going, after a few years, it is not
seen. Why?. Because it has thin sprint legs it is named cheetah, but by
course of practiced-genes, such species developed the strength in their
legs. If you are convinced that man is from ape please release your
scientific version; if not do not run the juggernaut of lies. KR IRS 15322

On Tue, 15 Mar 2022 at 08:05, 'gopala krishnan' via iyer123 <> wrote:

> *CULTURAL QA 03-2022-15*
> *Q1         What is the reasonable RPM of a washing machine?*
> A1          Washing Machinexpert Answered Oct 24, 2020
> If you wash delicate clothes, the spin cycle should be 300–500 RPM. And if
> you are washing Thicker items like jeans, curtains then spin cycle should
> be 1000 RPM.
> 2ND ANSWER- Teodoro Cervantes-Leon, Occupational Therapist, Christian
> Answered Aug 31, 2017
> Assuming you are referring to water extraction in a spin cycle, the
> highest RPMs are in the 1000 to 1400 range. *At some point higher RPMs
> wrinkle some fabrics, *so the higher spin speed may not be desirable for
> heavy cotton denim, for example. The effectiveness of the RPM is also
> impacted by the diameter of the drum/basket.
> 3RD ANSWER -Abhinav, Well my mentor played a role of game changer in my
> life.Answered Oct 16, 2020
> *It is a bit simple that the higher the RPM will be faster the drying time*
> will be of the washing machine so if you will ask me I would suggest you go
> with a washing machine that has the RPM of 800 above.
> 4TH ANSWER - Gopala Krishnan, former Assistant General Manager 1996-2004
> at Department of Telecom (1966-2004)Answered just now
> I have read all the three answers and reasoning given for different RPM. I
> have one point to add. This is related to *quantity of clothes and RPM*.
> The machine will vibrate and move irrespective of RPM, if the quantity of
> clothes are either less or more. My experience with Samsung front load
> machine.  I am from Chennai, India.
> *Q2         Why is sea salt better than salt that’s mined from the ground?
> What about Himalayan salt? Does the lower oxygen in the mountains make the
> salt better?*
> A2          Vern Shellman Long time interest in science. Sat
> Salt mined from the ground is sea salt. It’s what’s left of a sea the
> dried up millions of years ago and got buried. *Because it costs pennies
> per ton, it’s main use is to spread it on roads to melt ice*. They could
> get a lot more for it if they sold it as gourmet salt. I’m not saying that 
> *crude
> salt, whether it comes from the ground or the ocean, might not taste
> different due to other salts and minerals that are in it. *Whether it
> tastes any better on food is matter of opinion though.
> *Q3         What are the benefits of a well-designed kitchen?*
> A3          Gopala Krishnan, former Assistant General Manager 1996-2004
> at Department of Telecom (1966-2004)Answered just now
> I am writing from Chennai, India. A well designed kitchen will be very
> convenient to work, 100% safe for working, and give good appearance and
> things kept in a convenient manner.
> *Recently I had been to Kerala, it has been made compulsory to keep LPG
> cylinder outside and not inside the interior designed cup boards* below
> cooking platform. This is a safety point.
> Another safety point is to *keep refrigerator at a defined distance away
> from cooking oven* or outside kitchen. A third point is not to provide
> shelves above the cooking platform.
> A fourth point is to provide *rubber sheet where mixer, grinder etc
> electric appliances are provided*. Some women wear foot wear while using
> electrical appliances. It is a welcome feature.
> *Q4         Why are trees painted red and white in India?*
> A4          Rohit Virmani I Love Arts Fri
> You must have often seen that the trees along roadsides are painted white
> and red. *This method of painting the bottom of the trees is quite old.*
> But, why they are painted?
> *a) To indicate they are under protection cover. The* trees cannot be
> harvested nor can be chopped off. They are under the protection of forestry
> department.
> *b) They are painted red and white so that, these* trees can be easily
> seen in the darkness of the night.
> *c) To avoid termites and insects. Paint acts as an* insect resistant.
> That is the reason why the paint only covers the bottom half of tree
> trunks, a portion which the insects can climb.
> *d) Paint increases the lifespan of the trees. Cracks* occur in the trees
> due to which the trees start becoming weak and the paint helps in binding.
> Well, these are the real reasons why trees are painted red and white.
> *I had always assumed it was a representation of the Indian flag:
> Red(orange), white and the tree itself green!*
> *Q5         I live in the US. How do I take care of my parents back in
> India?*
> A5          Mrs Lili Basu Biswas Experience in family affairs Mar 1
> *Millions of Indian children face same issue. They lives far away from
> their aged parents. Unable to* take care of them. And they feels guilty
> for that. Either they have to sacrifice their career which would affect
> their and their children future or they had to left their aged parents
> helplessly and suffer in guilt for rest of the life.
> *In such situation, it's best to hire good care taker to take care fot
> 24X7 of parents. But be aware before* appoint any such person or family.
> Now a days aged people are main target for criminals. So appoint anyone
> from your trusted source. Check proper background verification.
> *Regular talk with them if possible twice in a day on phone* . At least
> visit them once a year. Spend good amount of time with them. At old age
> people feels more sick due to feel of loneliness. Your call would refresh
> their mind. Despite having thousands of people around us at urban areas,
> people often feel loneliness because no one care for us. People do not have
> time to talk with you. If you try to talk with them regularly then they
> feels offended. Aged people feels this more than young people.
> *Due to this many aged people like to live in their native village at old
> ages. In villages people used* to take care of each other. People has
> time and intention to talk each other. So aged people does not feels
> loneliness. The natural environment in villages also much much better.
> Pollution is much less or no pollution in those villages which are far away
> from cities.
> *Many aged people like to live in Ashram and spend their rest of the life
> in religious environment.* So if you can contact any such ashram then
> also it's good.
> For these even if you have to spend some extra money then you should not
> hesitate about it. *Agree or not, but you get your USA’s opportunity
> because of years of efforts and spending by your parents.* Now it's time
> to return back their sacrifice. So do not hesitate for money. Remember
> your parents also did not hesitate for money to build your career.
> By this way you can develop an culture and example for your children too.
> When you would be old then your children would try to do same.
> *Q6         Is the Mahabharata book written by Swami Jagdishwaranand
> authentic?*
> A6          Bhvitavya Arya Studied at Mahabharata (Hindu epic)4m
> Yes Jagdish ji Mahabharat the most authentic out of all the Mahabharata in
> today's time, because there is no miracle in it.And they removed all
> interpolation like Draupadi had 5 husbands: and Krishna had 16000 thousands
> wives so That's why I think this Mahabharata is more authentic than the
> bori ce If you read this Mahabharata, then all doubts you have on
> Mahabharata will be clear.
> *Q7         Why do administrative workers like IAS officers have white
> towels on their chairs?*
> A7          D D Rishi Former IRS | Advocate | LL. M.,Ph.D. (Law) | Sat
> *Having a towel on the chair has been a symbol of one's official status.*
> Not only the towel, size of the table, no. of chairs, sofa, coat stand, and
> size of the room etc. all signify the rank and status of an officer. *The
> colour of towel is white so that the officer may know if it is clean.
> Otherwise, lazy staff may not bother to change it for months!*
> *Q8         What is water tank cleaning as opposed to doing it without
> anyone else's help?*
> A8          Gopala Krishnan, former Assistant General Manager 1996-2004
> at Department of Telecom (1966-2004)Answered just now
> I recollect an incident watched in TV a few months ago in a soap. One
> police sub inspector decided to clean his fibre body overhead tank. *While
> leaning and cleaning, he fell into fibre tank and not able to move at all.* 
> *The
> fibre tank had to cut open to take the police SI from it*. Though it is a
> legend it is a true fact. Let working people expert in any tank cleaning do
> the work.
> Youngsters may be able to clean themselves, but may not be as neat as a
> workman do. Let them do their job and let us pay them and help them in the
> lively hood.
> While constructing my home in Chennai, quoting an incident of an aged
> person (60) falling into overhead tank built with bricks and RCC, *my
> engineer refused even to provide a step to peep in to the tank. *Workers
> used a metallic ladder to get in to the tank. I request/ advise a learnt
> cleaner do the job of overhead tank cleaning.
> *2nd answer Anish MittalAnswered May 29, 2021*
> I recently got my water tanks cleaned by *GD WATER CONSULT.* They
> provided us with the best professional tank cleaning services at reasonable
> prices.
> It was a mechanized tank cleaning process, including cleaning the outer
> tank body and the insides with completely sanitized instruments. *They
> are specialized in all types of tank cleaning services *whether it's
> overhead or underground they have covered it all. They even provide
> industrial and commercial tank cleaning services.
> *Q9         Is it safe to catch a sea snake?*
> A9          Abraham Sukumar Studied at Madras Medical College, Chennai
> Updated 19h
> *Sea snakes are very venomous*. Most belong to the elapid family of
> cobras, kraits, and mambas. They are more venomous than land snakes except
> for the Australian taipan. There is a reason for this.
> *All snakes are carnivorous*. Venomous snakes have an advantage over
> non-venomous snakes in securing prey. This is how a cobra catches a rat for
> a meal. It stealthy approaches the rat and bites it once injecting the
> venom. The rat escapes after the bite. It runs and soon when the venom
> starts acting slows down and dies. The cobra follows the scent, finds the
> dead victim, and swallows it whole.The sea snake does not enjoy that
> luxury. No way can it follow the fish it had bitten in the sea. The fish
> must die almost immediately after it is bitten for the sea snake to have
> its meal. Sea snakes have hence evolved with more potent venom than land
> snakes.
> Now to answer the question which is not about how venomous sea snakes are
> but is it safe to catch sea snakes. *I know of snake catchers, but they
> catch land snakes. If there are sea snake catchers, in theory their
> profession must rank at the top in the list of the world’s most dangerous
> professions*. *But sea snakes are not aggressive and rarely bite.*
> Swimmer do not encounter sea snakes which occur in tropical coastal
> waters. Occasionally sea snakes find themselves entangled in fisherman’s
> nets. They are handled without concern by *local fishermen who unravel
> and throw them back into the water without getting bitten.*
> During my post-qualification training period as a surgeon, I was assistant
> to a surgeon in the Government Royapettah Hospital in Madras. That hospital
> is close to the beach and fishermen in need of emergency attention often
> come to the casualty department. I have not attended on a case of sea snake
> bite but the casualty medical officer narrated the following incident. *A
> fisherman was bitten in the hand when he was removing a sea snake from his
> net*. The casualty doctor had called the duty physician to see the case. *As
> there was no sign of poisoning the patient was kept under observation and
> discharged later*. The wound was dressed but no antivenin was injected.
> In India the polyvalent antivenin used in snake bite victims has specific
> antidotes to four of the common venomous land snakes of India, the cobra,
> krait, Russel’s viper and saw-scaled viper. *There is no antidote to sea
> snake venom in that mix. The extreme rarity of sea snake venomisation must
> be the reason for this.*
> Unlike land snakes sea snakes are reluctant to bite. Maybe *when outside
> their environment sea snakes even when they bite do so without injecting
> venom.* This is mere speculation. More work needs to be done on the
> habits of sea snakes. Till then handle sea snakes with the outmost caution.
> UPDATE: Dr Ahamed Unni when he was an internee in Thanjavur Medical
> College in 1985 has seen a fisherman brought from the coastal town of
> Nagapattinam who was bitten by a sea snake. *He seems to have had severe
> body pain from myotoxicity. *He died within 2 hours of admission.
> Specific antivenin for sea snake venom was not available
> *Q10              Why did post-graduation become mandatory for every MBBS
> graduate?*
> A10        Thirak Vaishnav Student at GMERS Medical College, Junagadh
> (2018–present) Sat
> My grandma needed a Cataract surgery. We consulted an ophthalmologist.    My
> grandpa had blockage in arteries of his heart. We went to a cardiothoracic
> surgeon.    As a child, I was always sick. It was either
> asthma/allergies/fever/ bad stomach etc. My mom always took me to a
> pediatrician.
> My mom had uterine cysts a few years back. She was in immense pain,
> gynecologist was her savior.    My brother broke his arm twice,
> orthopedic surgeon repaired his arm.
> I got a furuncle on my ear piercing. Ent specialized treated it.    I had
> sub acute stomach ache a few months back. It was gastritis as diagnosed and
> treated by the physician.
> The point being, *everyone is super smart these days. There are literally
> lakhs of MBBS doctors pass out. So, the value automatically decreases*.
> We need specialists for every organ, for every minor thing.
> Our gynec faculty once said, “unless you are the best in your field, you
> won't survive the cut throat competition. So aim for being the best and not
> stay with the rest.”
> *Q11              If evolution is true then why are humans so physically
> inferior to our Ape ancestors? (This is a serious question and is not
> intended to start a religious Quora battle)*
> A11        Claire Jordan Feb 10
> *We’re not physically inferior - we just evolved for a different
> speciliasation*. It’s the same difference as between a leopard and a
> cheetah - leopards evolved for strength and climbing skill and ambush
> predation, and cheetahs evolved for speed and for chase predation. *You
> can’t really have both - that’s why racehorses are much lighter-built than
> draught horses.*
> *Humans are the ape that specialised for swift running, long-distance
> endurance and manual dexterity.*
> *Q12              Why does my stool float on water and right upper abdomen
> burning sensation foamy urine reports show acidic stools?*
> A12        Cassandra Hayes  Fri
> *Your poop may appear foamy if there's too much fat or mucus in your stool*.
> Mucus can look like foam or be found with foam in stool. Some mucus is
> normal. It helps you pass the feces and protects your intestines. Lactose
> Intolerance is a deficiency of the digestive enzyme B-galactosidase
> (Lactase) in the human intestine and a *meal containing the cow's milk
> disaccharide sugar lactose (galactose bound to glucose) will induce frothy
> diarrhoea, flatulence and abdominal cramps.*
> *All the above QA are from  Quora  website  on    14-03- 2022. **Quora
> answers need not be 100% correct answers *
> *Compiled **and posted by R. Gopala krishnan on15-03-2022*
> --
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