Blindness is wonderful..... In a sense renders a dubious meaning; Siddar
said "summayiruthale sugam" which was wrongly taken by the lazy people as
words of support for them; but controlling the mind without thoughts is
SUMMA; which in turn arise out of the meditation closing the eyes; bit
meditation is not a blindness as a blind would react; a blind may not see
outside; but the meditation closes the outer eyes; but opens up the inner
    Many people are at the level of mechanical practice.  They perform the
rituals enjoined by their religious creed, but do not engage their mind in
God.  When they purchase a new house or a new car, they call the Pundit to
perform the *pūjā* (worship) ceremony.  And while the Pundit performs the
*pūjā*, they sit and talk in the other room or sip a cup of tea.  For them,
devotion is nothing more than performing the empty ritual.  It is often
performed by way of ceremonial habits that have been passed on from parents
and elders.  Performing rituals mechanically is not a bad thing, for after
all, something is better than nothing.  At least such people are externally
engaging in devotion.

However, Shree Krishna says that higher than mechanical practice is the
cultivation of spiritual knowledge.  Knowledge bestows the understanding
that the goal of life is God-realization and not material progress.  One
who is versed in knowledge goes beyond the empty rituals and develops the
desire to purify the mind.  But mere knowledge by itself cannot cleanse the
heart.  And thus, Shree Krishna says that higher than the cultivation of
knowledge is the process of engaging the mind in meditation.  By
practically controlling the mind through meditation, we begin to develop
detachment from worldly pleasures.  When the mind develops some measure of
the quality of detachment, we can then practice the next step, which is
renunciation of the fruits of actions.  As explained in the previous verse,
this will help remove worldliness from the mind and strengthen the
intellect for the subsequent higher stages.

    श्रेयो हि ज्ञानमभ्यासाज्ज्ञानाद्ध्यानं विशिष्यते
|| 12||śhreyo hi jñānam abhyāsāj jñānād dhyānaṁ viśhiṣhyate dhyānāt
karma-phala-tyāgas tyāgāch chhāntir anantaram  *BG 12.12*: Better than
mechanical practice is knowledge; better than knowledge is meditation.
Better than meditation is renunciation of the fruits of actions, for peace
immediately follows such renunciation.    Mere closing of the eyes may
relieve the stress on eyes but cannot be classified as meditation.   KR
IRS 21122

On Fri, 21 Jan 2022 at 06:11, Markendeya Yeddanapudi <> wrote:

> --
> *Mar**The Arena of God*
> Suppose you can see everything—atoms, the quarks in the protons and
> neutrons, the bosons themselves, including the Higgs bosons, the magnetic
> electrons, photons, neutrinos…, then you cannot see yourself. You cannot
> even conceptualize yourself. You cannot conceptualize the, I, You, We, He,
> She, they and it.
> You may enter the gigantic Microcosm, the realm of the Absolute Zero,
> where there are only the electromagnetic waves, may be accompanied by the
> strong force and the weak force. In this ultimate arena of the situation,
> where volume formations are not possible, as the situation is the after the
> stage of reaching the speed of light, there must be only potential areas of
> deviating from the climate of the situation of volume-less-ness (the
> situation after reaching the speed of light, towards which everything is
> striving), creating the Higgs Fields and making the Higgs Bosons sprout,
> unleashing the Big bangs. If you still experience consciousness, it is as a
> part of the ultimate consciousness, the consciousness of the Microcosm, the
> Consciousness arena of God.
> In this arena of God, you enjoy the power of quantum entanglement, wherein
> the effect on a particle will automatically affect the other particles, the
> power of God’s awareness or the God Consciousness. Is this the notice of
> consciousness that initiates the formations of particles, atoms, molecules,
> matter, planets, stars, galaxies…?
> The components of everything in the Macrocosm of planets, stars,
> galaxies…, fundamentally are only atoms and particles. The Macrocosm is
> composed of the Microcosm.
> There is the Consciousness of God everywhere.
> Feeling the God and participating in and with the God, is very
> simple---just close your eyes, make your mind blank and say ‘OM’.
> Gradually you become part of the ultimate Microcosm, with the power of
> Quantum entanglement.
> You become God. You participate in the dance of Siva.
> Blindness is a wonderful and tremendous opportunity.
> YM
> --
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  • The Arena of God Markendeya Yeddanapudi
    • Re: [iyer123] The Arena of God Rajaram Krishnamurthy

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