Yesterday I sent an article on ketoacidosis and high sugar detection. There
is an opinion that the diabetic  readings at times reflect berserk reading
whereas the body senses no effect of that level and it is suspected that a
normal sugar level, when read in meters, shoots so high. This may be an
appearance. In other words, all diseases including the diabetic, do not
show the reality; and the treatment delivered may really, keep high the
sugar level, though virtually it is not so.  In June 2022
Washindton university made a breakthrough. And in future , as a fever
diabetic may also be cured. Possible.

*Researchers discover neurons that track and regulate blood sugar levels*

by University of Washington School of Medicine <>

New research has discovered neurons within the brain that detect and
respond to changes in the level of sugar within the bloodstream.

Understanding how this blood sugar detection system works and how these
neurocircuits operate would give researchers and doctors greater insights
into how our brains regulate our blood sugar, and perhaps, how to target
them therapeutically to treat metabolic diseases like diabetes
<> and obesity, according to the
study authors.

The study was published June 22 online in *Diabetes*.

"We've known for a long time that many neurons can detect sugar locally
within the brain," said Dr. Michael Schwartz, an endocrinologist with the
University of Washington School of Medicine and co-director of the UW
Medicine Diabetes Institute. "What is new, however, is the evidence that a
subset of neurons located in the hypothalamus
<> can sense and respond to
sugar in the bloodstream itself, analogous to the cells in the pancreas
that secrete insulin."

In this study, researchers were able to monitor both blood sugar levels and
the activity of neurons within the hypothalamus of conscious mice in real
time. They found that when blood sugar levels rise, the activity of this
subset of neurons decreases rapidly. Researchers speculate that these
neurons detect and respond to variation in blood sugar transmitted by
sensory neurons <> that supply the
vasculature (rather than sugar levels in the brain, which change much more
slowly), Schwartz noted. This sensory information is then transmitted to
one or more neurocircuits that control the blood sugar level in conjunction
with the pancreas, which produces insulin
<> for the body.

Clinically, this is important because when treating patients with diabetes,
clinicians often find that the patients' system is actively maintaining an
elevated blood sugar level, presumably "because that's where the brain
thinks the blood sugar level is supposed to be," Schwartz said.

"For example, if a normal blood sugar is 100, a patient with diabetes may
well have a blood sugar above 300," he said. "If it's been at that elevated
level for days or weeks, and if you suddenly lower it back to 100, the
brain will think that's too low, and will try to increase blood sugar level

This evidence that diabetes is associated with an impaired ability of the
brain to sense the blood sugar level suggests that in the future, reversing
this type of sensing defect may allow the brain to control blood sugar
<> in a more appropriate way,
Schwartz concluded.

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