>From another group 

*Arjuna’s Arrows and Algebra !*

*Bhāskarāchārya (1114 -1185 CE), has been called the greatest mathematician of 
medieval India.* 

He was born in Karnataka, and is *considered the progenitor of Differential 
Calculus - 500 years before Newton and Leibniz !*

*Bhāskarāchārya wrote at least four mathematical treatises in Sanskrit.* 

*One of them, titled Leelavati, contains many algebra-related teasers, which 
have become the subject of significant research by scholars.* 

*These teasers are in the form of shlokas which pose the problems.* 

*The shlokas need to be interpreted correctly to decipher the meaning in order 
to find the solution.*

*Take a look at the shloka displayed below.* 

*पार्थ: कर्णवधाय मार्गणगणं क्रुद्धो रणे संदधे तस्यार्धेन निवार्य तच्छरगणं 
मूलैश्चतुभिर्हयान् |*
*शल्यं षड्भिरथेषुभिस्त्रिभिरपि च्छत्रं ध्वजं कार्मुकम्  चिच्छेदास्य शिरः शरेण 
कति ते यानर्जुनः संदधे  ७६*

*The direct meaning of this shloka is a question formulated as follows:*

*During the battle between Arjuna and Karna in the Mahabharata, Arjuna released 
some arrows. Of the released arrows :*

👉 *Half were consumed in stopping the arrows coming from Karna*

👉 *4 times the squareroot of the arrows were consumed to control the horses of 
Karna's chariot*

👉 *6 were for gaining control over Shalya, the charioteer of Karna. (Shalya was 
the maternal uncle of Nakula and Sahadeva)*

👉 *3 were used to take on the umbrella and flag of the chariot and the bow of 

👉 *Finally Karna was killed by a single arrow.*

*So how many arrows were released by Arjuna in the battle ?*

*Basic algebra easily yields the answer to this question, if the equation is 
formulated correctly.*

*Let the total number of arrows be X. The statements above can be reduced to 
the algebraic form*

*X = X/2 + 4√X + 6 + 3 + 1*

*Solving the above, we get the value of X=100 for the total number of arrows 
shot by Arjuna.*

*However, the fun is not just in getting the algebra right. There is so much 
hidden information in this shloka. If we pause to think a little deeper about 
the hidden meanings :*

👉 *Even for an atirathi like Arjuna, it took as many as 50 arrows to stop the 
arrows of Karna - it tells us about the skills of Karna.*

👉 *That the horses needed 40 arrows to immobilize the chariot tells us about 
the kind of training given to the horses in the battle field.*

👉 *When even the horses needed 40 arrows, that Shalya the charioteer 
surrendered with just 6 tells us that he is favouring Arjuna.*

👉 *3 arrows to take the chariot and the bow shows the helplessness of Karna.*

👉 *Once everything is in control the enemy should vanquished in just a single 

*So the rules and skills required to win such a battle operationally  are :* 

👉 *Firstly, stop the enemy fire-power ;* 

👉 *Second, immobilize the enemy by taking on his mobility- the horses and the 
driver ;* 

👉 *Thirdly signal to him his helplessness by destroying the carriage,* 

👉 *And finally eliminate the enemy himself.*

*If we analyze the same shloka on the spiritual side :*

👉 *To attain ultimate liberation, firstly one needs to control over his / her 
personal desires, this being a very difficult task, thus takes 50 arrows.*

👉 *Then take control over 5 senses and sensual pleasures indicated by the 
horses. The 40 arrows needed to do this indicate the difficulty of the task.*

👉 *Gaining control over 5 senses will lead one to the control over the 
consciousness (manas, thought, ego) indicated by the driver.*

👉 *If all the foregoing are done, achieving the ultimate liberation (moksha) 
should be relatively easy.*

👉 *This is the greatness of our ancestors in sanatana dharma - Vidya integrated 
with Values.*

👉 *Just a single shloka includes so much of knowledge !* 👈


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