CULTURAL QA 03-2023-03

Q1           Whatare the differences between a monkey, chimpanzee, gorilla, and 
man (human)?

A1           Claire Jordan, Degree in biology andfolklore; programmer, shop 
owner, secretary on newspaper11h

Monkeys walk almost exclusively on all fours,usually have narrow deep chests 
(at least, Old World monkeys do) and legs which swing fore and aft,and have 

Apes are tailless and have a more upright posturewith a broad flat chest, due 
to being either brachiators or recently descendedfrom brachiators. 

But gorillas and chimps went back down on all fours to getabout in dense 
jungle, while humans became more upright to get about on theopen plains, until 
we were fully bipedal and hadshoulders and hands which no longer had to be used 
for walking at all, but justfor handling and throwing.

Chimps and gorillas are both much hairier than humansand less intelligent, as 
well as being less bipedal.

Chimps areslightly smaller than a human, more aggressive and more carnivorous.

Gorillas are asbig as a cow, have very few predators and are mostly 
herbivorous, so they don’tneed to be very fierce,butthey have wide flanges on 
their bones, including the back and top of the skull,for attaching muscles to.

My note- Very informative answer

Q2           Whatis the name of the railway line that connects Chennai to Delhi?

A2           Kumar R, Lives in Chennai, TamilNadu, India (2010–present)23h

The railway line that connects Chennai to Delhi is calledthe Grand Trunk 
Express(12615). It is one of theoldest and most popular train routes in India, 
covering a distance ofapproximately 2,200kilometers and passing through several 
major cities and towns along the way,including Vijayawada, Nagpur, and Kanpur. 

The Grand TrunkExpress is operated by the Indian Railways and runs daily 
between ChennaiCentral station and New Delhi station.

My note- One of the important stop is ITTARSI JUNCTION. Iused to travel to 
Jabalpur training centre( First telecom trainingcentre) called TTC after 
getting down  atIttarsi, travelling in GT Express and by Express train  from 
Ittarsi to Jabalpur

Q3           Isit true that the world’s population has stopped growing and 
there could be adecrease in the world population?

A3           Mats Andersson, B. Sc, M. Sc fromUppsala University20h

Not yet.

But when I wasyoung, it was forecast that the world population would peak at 16 
billion…well, just about now, come to think of it. And then crash 
catastrophically,ending with some 4 billion survivors 10–20 years later.

Calm, serious modellers said that peak living standardswere reached about 1970, 
the decline was imminent, and there would be foodrationing at the very latest 
by the year 2000, but thatwould only help for a little while, because all 
resources were inevitablyrunning out. And that the predicted 4 billion 
survivors was a best case scenario, wherecivilisation was kept reasonably 
stable and there was not a major world warover the dwindling resources.

What they missed (OK, one of the things they missed) wasthat people have fewer 
children when poverty goes down.This has now had such profound effects that 
populationgrowth has practically ceased in many parts of the world, and in 
manyindustrialised countries the population is shrinking.

And they now forecast the population to peak at 9-10billion mid-to-late 21st 
century, and then start shrinking slowly.

So… not yet.But it seems likely to happen, without a huge disaster, and without 
the majorcrash envisioned where some 12 billion people would disappear, 
probably mostly by starvation.Wemight actually pull through.

Q4           Whichis the longest daily train in Indian Railways?

A4           Ankit Barnawal, Former Student atDoon Business School, Dehradun 

The longest distance daily running train in Indian Railwaysis Avadh Assam 

About Avadh AssamExpress-    Avadh Assam Express is a mailexpress train that 
runs between two indian cities Dibrugarh, Assam and Lalgarh, Rajasthan.

The train operatesas train number 15909 from Dibrugarh to Lalgarh Junction and 
as train number15910 as reverse direction serving 9 indian states i.e. Assam, 
Nagaland, West Bengal, Bihar,Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and 

The train travels3,117 kilometers between Dibrugarh and Lalgarh.

The train is being operated by Northeast Frontier Railwayzone of Indian 

15909 Avadh AssamExpress departs Dibrugarh on a daily basis at 09:55 am and 
arrives Lalgarh Junction at05:45 am on the fourth day of commencing of journey. 
The totaltravel time is 67 hours 50 minutes.

15910 Avadh AssamExpress departs Lalgarh Junction on a daily basis at 07:50 pm 
and arrivesDibrugarh at 03:55 pm on the fourth day of commencing of journey. 
The totaltravel time is 68 hours 05 minutes.

The train runs with LHB coaches in which there are 3 ACIII tier coach, 1 AC II 
tier coach and 1 First AC cum AC II tier, 12 sleepercoach, 3 unreserved coach 
and 2 End On Generator Vans.The total coach in this train is 22 coaches.

The train currentlyholds the unique record of being the longest distance daily 
running train inIndian Railways.

My note- Thismeans  at least 4 rakes are required torun the train daily.

Q5           Inan RO purifier, why is waste water going out in high quantity 
than purifiedwater? Can we purify again the waste water or how to reuse it?

A5           Dev Mehta,Always battling the beast -Water2y

RO is a process that lushes water through a membrane with a pore size of an RO 
is 0.0001microns

An RO only allowsparticles below that size to pass through the membrane. The 
rest are notallowed to pass through and hence rejected.

The number ofparticles that are larger that 0.0001 microns are greater than the 
ones thatare smaller than that. Hence the amount of water rejectedis always 
more than the yield.

Yes. you canalways collect the water and use it for washing vessels or mopping 
floors.But if the reject water is very hard it might leave hard water 
stainseverywhere making the entire excercise redundant.

The ideal solution:

Instead you can collect the water and make some sort ofmechanical arrangement 
to push the water back into the RO so that is isfiltered once more.

This is an actual process that is carried out byindustries and factories to 
save water. As theirconsumption is large their wastage is even larger. Thus, 
they cannot afford towaste all of that precious resource. So instead they use a 
systemwhere in they pass the water through multiple RO plants. Designed 
suchthat at the end of the system the rejection is minimal and the yield is 

For eg.

10000 litresavailable.Average rejection 60%

To procure 10,000litres 6000 would be rejected.

The 6000 is passedthrough another RO

This time we get3600 reject (60%)

The 3600 is passedthrough yet another RO

This time we get2160 reject (60%)

The 2160 is passedthrough yet another RO

This time we get1296 reject (60%)

The 1296 is passedthrough the final RO

This time we get777.6 litres reject (60%)

So finally outyield from 10,000 litres has been 9200 litres which is 8% total 
wastage as comparedto the original 60%

This method isfollowed to achieve the least or absolute minimal amount of 
rejection which inmany cases comes down to less than 2%. This is known as Zero 
Liquid Dischargeprocess

At home insteadof getting multiple RO systems we can collect the reject water 
and pass itthrough the RO again to attain Zero Liquid Discharge

There you have it.Hope that helps

My note- If overhead tank is cleaned once a quarter, and paper filters are 
replaced once in twomonths etc, the wastage of water is very less and can be 
used for wateringgarden etc. 

Q6           Howdoes the VIP quota reservation work in Indian Railways ticket 

A6           Akash Dalvi, Blogging and Affiliate MarketingThu

In Indian Railways, a VIP quota reservation is a specialcategory of ticket 
reservation for certain high-level officials and dignitaries.This quota is 
reserved for Members of Parliament (MPs), Members of LegislativeAssembly 
(MLAs), and other government officials.

The VIP quota reservation is limited, and only a certainnumber of seats are 
available for booking under this quota.The seats are allocated on a 
first-come-first-served basis, and the booking canbe done either online or at 
the reservation counters.

To book tickets under the VIP quota, the passenger needsto provide valid 
identification proof, such as an MP/MLA card or agovernment-issued identity 
card. The bookingprocess is similar to the regular booking process, and the 
passenger can choosetheir preferred class of travel and train.

However, it isimportant to note that the VIP quota is not available for all 
trains and allclasses of travel. It is only applicable for specifictrains and 
specific classes of travel, such as First Class AC or ExecutiveClass.

The VIP quota reservation is generally done for theconvenience of government 
officials, and the seats arereserved to ensure that they can travel comfortably 
and conveniently. However, if the seats under theVIP quota are not booked, they 
are released to the general public for booking.

My note- Iread elsewhere VIP quota for MLAs is removed recently. Istand 
corrected if I am wrong.

Q7           Isit common for things to get stolen from Indian Railways trains?

A7           Dilraj Kumar, Lives in Har(2021–present)20h

Unfortunately,theft and robbery are not uncommon on Indian Railways trains, and 
passengers should take precautions to protect their belongings.It is advisable 
to keep valuables with you at all times and to lock yourluggage when leaving it 
unattended. You may also want to consider using apadlock to secure the door of 
your compartment while you sleep.

Indian Railways has implemented several measures to curbtheft and improve 
passenger safety, including theintroduction of CCTV cameras in trains and 
stations, the deployment ofadditional security personnel, and the establishment 
of a toll-free securityhelpline. However, it is still important to remain 
vigilant and take steps tosafeguard your belongings.

My note- often thieves travel nowadays with a reservedticket and good costume 
so that they might not be suspected.

Q8           Doall trains have both upper and lower berths?

A8           Devesh Sharma,M.A B.ED from KumaunUniversity (Graduated 2021)3h

No, not all trains have both upper and lower berths.The type of berths 
available on a train depends on the train's design and theclass of service 
being offered.

For example, some trains offer only seats,while others offer only bunk beds. 
Some trains offer bunk beds that are arranged in a singlestack, while others 
offer bunk beds that are arranged in a double stack. Insome cases, trains may 
offer only lower berths, while others may offer onlyupper berths.

Generally, trainsthat offer overnight service or long-distance travel are more 
likely to havesleeping accommodations, includingupper and lower berths. 
However, it is always a good idea to check with thespecific train service to 
determine what type of accommodations are available.

Q9           Domost UK Indians prefer to cook at home rather than eat in an 
Indian restaurant?

A9           Bhuvana Rameshwar,Smart cook, nothardworking Thu

Yes.Buying food, home delivery, going to Indian restaurants are very 
costlycompared to making Indian or other foods at home. Besides cost of living 
ishigh too in UK compared to Asian countries.

Most manage to cookin weekends and use it in parts through the week if women 
are with jobs and alsoworking outside home. if women are housewives then it 
doesn't matter much. Manycook food at home every day with pleasure. Eating home 
made Indian food abroadis a boon.

Some employcooks who come home for an hour or two, make the food, store and 
leave.The working couple after returning , heat the food in the microwave and 
have. Many of such Indian cooks work in three to four houses per day. Theycome 
in their own cars, finish work swiftly and leave. 

Most home cooks areGujaratis or Tamil Srilankans .

Q10         Whatis something that is absolutely worth the money?

A10         Ketan Pande, Sophophilic since birth Updated5y

Invest in This.Plant a Mango Tree

Benefits After FiveYears:

1000 times return

2. A Cool (ReallyCool) place to hangout

3. A true friendwho wants nothing in return.

4. A destinationfor Travellers

You are getting somuch in return, even though you are investing less than 100 
INR or 2 USD.

My note- Infections are common nowadays and at primetime we have to cut it 
especially in Chennai suburban areas

All the above QA are from Quora  website  on   06-06-2023

Quora answers need not be100% correct answers .

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala Krishnan,79,  former ITS on 07-03-2023


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