CULTURALQA 09-2021-08

Beingcompilation there may be  errors

Q1           Whathappens when car battery cables are wrongly connected?

A1         Timothy Mauch   Corvair owner and researcher. August 6, 2017

My step-father did it to my new ’86 Dodge Daytona while I wasat sea (actually, 
he connected jumper cables backwards after my wife left theheadlights on and 
drained the battery).

The “fusible link” that was supposed to protect the car blewso violently that 
it caught that part of the engine wiring harness on fire andmelted everything 
on the wheel well.

Fortunately, the car was under warranty, and the dealerdecided to ignore the 
obvious fact that the fire was self-inflicted, Maybe hefelt bad that my wife 
was home alone while I was away on a submarine.

The one smart decision my wife made afterwards was to never,ever let my 
father-in-law pop the hood again!

Q2           Why arewe not supposed to (according to some) touch plants or 
pluck leaves duringnight time?

2 Answers PallaviPande, Founder at DTOCS LLC (2018-present) Answered May 15, 

It is a very common belief among a lot of people that theyshouldn’t pluck 
leaves during nighttime because the tree is supposed to besleeping. No, no one 
has ever actually heard a tree snore after 9 pm everynight. It is just an 
easilyrelatable analogy to discourage kids from venturing out at night around 
bushesand dark shades of trees.

The real reason behind this has nothing to do with treessleeping. As we know, 
green plants use sunlight during the day to performphotosynthesis. This process 
involves them taking in carbon dioxide from theenvironment and creating glucose 
molecules and releasing oxygen as aby-product. At night the process is 
reversed. Now the trees, just like us, takein oxygen to release energy from the 
glucose they made during the day andrelease carbon dioxide into the air by way 
of respiration. This is why the air around atree has a higher concentration of 
carbon dioxide than oxygen at night. Thiscan be harmful to any person breathing 
the air.

Also, trees and densebushy areas are a natural habitat of insects and snakes, 
most of which become more activeduring the night and are more often than not 

These are the major reasons why you shouldn’t get anywherenear bushy areas at 
night, let alone go near enough to pluck leaves.

And as for the matter of plucking leaves, you shouldn’t bedoing that 
irrespective of the time of the day. Just like you don’t likeanybody plucking 
your body parts off, the plants don’t appreciate it either.

2ND ANSWER-Saptarshi Majumder , Masters Chemical Engineering & Particle 
Technology, Indian Institute of Technology,Kharagpur (2017) Answered June 2, 

There won’t be anything huge happening but the real motive behind this is notto 
disturb someone while they are sleeping.

As you would know that during the presence of sunlight, theplants and trees 
perform photosynthesis. It is kind of that they are doingtheir work during the 
day. But at night since there is not sunlight, the tree is kind of 
sleeping.Thus it is meant not to disturb the sleeping ones.


Note: You should never pluck leaves, whether it is day ornight.

Q3           What isan 'island platform' in railway stations?

A3           Dharani Sathwik Ram Interested infunctioning of Indian Railways Fri

A platform which has railway tracks on its either side iscalled an Island 
platform or a center platform.

Most commonly in Indian Railways, island platforms areconstructed between the 
main lines.

Image: The island platform is surrounded by the main lines andthe loop lines 
run beside the side platform.

Larger railway stations may have multiple island platforms inbetween two side 


More efficient use of space as the passengers travelling inboth the directions 
can share the platform area and the Vertical CirculationElements (VCEs) like 

Facilitating the passengers to change the trains running inopposite directions 
eliminating the need of an additional platform and aconcourse level.


VCEs are constructed in the middle of the platform reducingthe footfall area on 
the platform for a distance.

Reduced wall area for ads or information display boards. (IRpoint of view).

Apart from the island platforms, there are other types ofplatforms in the 
Indian Railways.

Side platforms. Theplatforms which are generally aligned to the boundaries of 
railway station are sideplatforms. Occasionally these are found next to Bay 
platforms as shown in theabove figure. And most commonly, 2 side platforms are 
present in a givenrailway station and are numbered 1 and N (N being the total 
number of platformsin that railway station).

Bay platforms — Theplatforms where railway track terminates at one end are 
called Bay platforms.

These can be found atChennai Central, Howrah etc.

Flow through platforms— A single platform which allows the train traffic to 
pass through it such that passengers canalight/board the train from both the 
sides. This reduces the dwell time of thetrain on the platform. These are 
majorly found in places where local traintraffic is higher. But these are 
expensive to construct and maintain.

Note that the train is not running between two platforms,rather it is running 
through a single platform.

Q4           Whatare some simple habits to help you burn belly fat?

A4           Kruti Naik Lost 14 kgs in less than ayear Updated 4h ago

Cutting down on alcohol.Alchohols makes you overeat and in some cases, even 
responsible for giving you random hunger prangs.

Cutting down on sugar atnight. Having high sugarintake can make you feel hungry 
all the time. It is one of the major reasons.

Working out religiouslyfor at least 30 minutes 5days a week. Working out has 
proved to work on your random hunger prangs. Youbecome more in tune with your 
mind and stomach.

Staying active throughoutthe day. Plz do notequate working out with staying 
active. Staying active throughout the day isimminent for improving attention 
and skin glow.

Avoiding outside food.See, it is natural to gettempted to order outside food 
every other day; however, this habit has its ownramifications. Out of all the 
other ramifications like acidity, heart burnafter eating hotel food, most 
prominent is bloated belly.

Carry your lunch from homeinstead of eating in theoffice canteen. Where ever 
the food for mass is being cooked, the makers addcooking soda so that the food 
gets cooked in no time saving on their fuel andtime both. For them, it is about 
the business and profit, they don't give apenny about your health and nutrition.

Q5           Why isthe Meenakshi goddess green?

A5           Devasena Bhakta Researched Hindutemples Sun

Goddess Meenakshi is said to have a dusky complexion (ShyamaVarna)

In South Indian tradition, turmeric is used as a cosmeticproduct by both 
married women and unmarried girls


When Sri Meenakshi appliedturmeric, Her Shyama Varna is said to have taken on 
an emerald hue

The statue of Sri Meenakshi at Madurai is made of a greentinged stone - 
Maragatha Kal

Q6           Whichairlines in India provide free meals (domestic routes)? And 
how good is thequality and taste of food?

A6           Shaunak Bhattachharje Visited 17Indian States | 7 Countries | 4 
Union TerritoriesSun

Nothing comes for free. The cost of the meal that is provided is already 
included in yourticket. 

In India, only twoairlines provide complimentary meals - Air India and Vistara. 

Vistara has some conditions, however. They will be servingmeals only if the 
distance or the time exceeds a particular number, I am notsure about it though. 
AirIndia, on the other hand, will provide you with a meal even if it is a half 
anhour flight.

I have not travelled with Vistara yet and therefore cannotcomment on their food 
quality but having travelled on Air India extensively in the last threeyears, 
in my opinion, the food is tasty. While flying 30,000 feet abovethe ground, 
your taste buds lose the ability to taste but still, the food, atleast 
according to me, tastes good. 

The above picture is what was served on Air India while I wasflying from 
Kolkata to New Delhi this Wednesday. It had paranthas, rice, avegetable curry, 
a sweet, pickles and curd.

As I mentioned about the clause of Vistara, which servedcomplimentary meal only 
if the flight distance and time exceeds theirthreshold, Air India, on the other 
hand, do not serve a meal on their ATRflights that are operated by Alliance 

Before Covid, they used to provide a food packet but that hasbeen stopped now. 
While flying on an ATR on Thursday from New Delhi toChandigarh, I was so 
eagerly looking for the packet but after deplaning I gotto know that the meal 
services have been stopped.

Q7           Can  you tell about TDS levels of water?

A7           Thedrinking water that we get today is flushed with hazardous 
chemicals from thedifferent water treatment plants. As a result, the natural 
minerals present in water are taken away.In such a situation, it is essential 
to use the proper filtration processes toremove the contaminants and make water 
safe for consumption. 

The main contaminant present in water is total dissolvedsolids (TDS) that are 
left in the water after the normal filtration process.Contaminants that 
arelarger than 2 microns are termed as total dissolved solid. Drinking Water 

One of the importantquestions that many people have in their minds what is the 
acceptable TDS levelin the water. To help you out, we are listing two tables 
which discuss the palatability quotientand acceptable TDS level.

TDS Level in parts per million (ppm) Palatability Quotient

Between 50-150-Excellentfor drinking

150-250   Good

250-300  Fair

300-500 Poor

Above 1200  Unacceptable

Is low TDS waterharmful to Human Body?

TDS present in water is not a measure of any singlecontaminant and so is 
generally not regulated as a health issue by manygovernment agencies. A high 
TDS level, however, can affect thetaste and odour of water. 

The Environmental Protection Agency in the US has set themaximum recommended 
level of 500 milligrams per litre (mg/L).

The TDS level in water can be determined with the help of aTDS meter. A TDS 
test helps in determining the total amount of dissolved solidspresent in water. 
However, it doesn’t identify any individual compounds, thesources. As a result, 
it is essential to conduct some additional tests todetermine the contaminants 
present in water.

How Much TDS in Water isGood For Health

The table mentioned below provides a permissible range of TDSin drinking water 
and reasons for why the TDS level mentioned in water is notacceptable for 

TDS Level (Milligram/Litre)  Remarks

Less than 50- Unacceptable as it lacks essential minerals

50-150-Acceptable for drinking.The TDS level isideal for areas where the water 
polluted by sewage or industrial waste

150-250-Good. Thewater is ideal for people with cardiovascular disease


250-350-Good. The water isideal for people withcardiovascular disease

350-500       Fairly acceptable

500-900       Lessacceptable

900-1200     Leastacceptable. Avoid drinking water which has a TDS level of 900

1200-2000    Water isnot acceptable for drinking.

Above 2000  Unacceptable

According to the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the upperlimit of TDS level 
in water is 500 ppm. The TDS level recommended by WHO, however, is 300 ppm.

Ways to Reduce or Remove TDS in Water

1. Reverse Osmosis(R.O.)

Reverse Osmosis removes TDS by forcing the water, underpressure, through a 
synthetic membrane. The membrane contains microscopic poreswhich will allow 
only molecules smaller than 0.0001 micronsto pass through. Asthe molecules of 
dissolved metals and salts are large compared to the water molecules,water 
squeezes through the membrane leaving the metals and salts behind.


My note- Though called membrane it is a closed filter with inlet and outlet

 2. Distillation

The process involves boiling water to produce water vapor.The water vapor rises 
to a cool surface where it is condensed back into theliquid form. The dissolved 
salts are unable to vaporize and remain in theboiling solution.

3. Deionisation (DI)

In this process, water is passed through a positive andnegative electrode. The 
ion-selective membranes enable the positive ions toseparate from the water and 
move towards the negative electrode. The end resultis de-ionized water with 
high purity. However, the water is firstpassed through a reverse osmosis unit 
first in order to remove the non-ionicorganic contaminants.

So, which Water Purifieris best?

One of the important factors that you need to consider whenlooking for a water 
purifieris the TDS level. Depending on the TDS level, you need to decide 
whetheryou need an RO, UF or UV water purifier. To make your work easy, here’sa 
table that will help you understand which water purifier is ideal for 
aparticular TDS level.

TDS Level         Typeof Purifier

0-200               UVWater Purifier

200-300           RO+UV water purifier

300-500           RO+UV+UF

Areas that receive water with a very high TDS level arerecommended to use water 
purifiers that use a combination of RO+UV/UF with TDSController. The 
combination of various water purification technologies removeschemical, 
dissolved as well as physical impurities from water to make itsuitable for 

Why Should You Keep a Check on the TDS Level?

There are a number of reasons why you need to check the TDSlevel in the water. 
Some of the reasons are:

Taste and health

High TDS level alters the taste of water and makes it salty,bitter, or 
metallic. High TDS levels also indicate the presence of toxicminerals which is 
hazardous for health

2nd answer ChandreshHirani Answered September 18, 2017

TDS Controller for RO is available in market at around 200 to300 Rs based on 
quality. It has 2-inlet and one outlet. You have to connect oneinlet with RO 
Purified Water which has lower TDS. And other Inlet needs toconnect with the 
same which you connected with Membrane input. And output iscontrolled TDS. You 
can change output TDS by rotating its screw clock-wise oranti-clockwise.

All the above QA are basedon Quora digest to me on 07-09-2021. Quoraanswers 
need not be 100% correct answers 

Compiler- R. GopalaKrishnan, 77 dated 08 -09-2021 


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