* Recent Developments in Health
<http://undefined/group/Amdavadis4Ever/join?soc_src=mail&soc_trk=ma>If you
haven't been quite up to date about what's new in human health and
technology, then you're in for some surprising news. Scientists, as we
know, are constantly looking for cures, solutions and improvements to
certain health and body issues; and with technology having developed hugely
in the digital age, researchers have more ways than ever to find the golden
answer to the big questions of the day. Technology hasn't only improved our
every day lives by the use of electronic tools and devices, and the
intelligence of the web, it has also helped further refine the health field
and opened up heaps of new possibilities. The following (rather
unbelievable) developments have all been reported recently, and here they
are before your very eyes.

<http://undefined/group/Amdavadis4Ever/join?soc_src=mail&soc_trk=ma>*1. A
new body part discovered*
10 Recent Health Developments]

as it may sound, studies have been recently expanding on the unfamiliarity
of a particular part of the knee, drawing the interest of several
French surgeon named Paul Segond first referred to a "pearly, resistant
fibrous band" found along the ligaments within the human knee, in his study
back in 1879; and other scientists picked up his work nearly 150 years
later, in 2013. Their findings confirmed *a new human body part in the knee*,
that was identified by its special tissue and well-defined structure.
same year is also known for the curious discovery of yet another human body
part - this time in the eye. This is the "Dua's Layer", a microscopic layer
of the cornea that had not previously been detected.

<http://undefined/group/Amdavadis4Ever/join?soc_src=mail&soc_trk=ma>*2. The
much-awaited brain-computer interface*
10 Recent Health Developments]

might have heard about brain-computer interfaces, the arrival of which many
have envisaged happening in the future. Apparently this 'future' wasn't so
very far away, as new breakthroughs have ensured that the idea has now
become reality.
from the Korea University and Technological University in Germany came up
with a new interface that*allows humans to control an exoskeleton of the
lower limbs through brain signals*. These brain signals are recorded
through an electroencephalogram (EEG) cap worn on the head, and are
operated by having the user staring at one of five LEDs on the interface,
representing different movements such as sitting or standing.
it has only been tested on healthy individuals so far, the scientists'
intentions are that it will help the disabled eventually.

<http://undefined/group/Amdavadis4Ever/join?soc_src=mail&soc_trk=ma>*3. A
device that uses thought to move paralyzed limbs*
<http://undefined/group/Amdavadis4Ever/join?soc_src=mail&soc_trk=ma>If you
think the development of the brain-computer interface is surprising, this
discovery will blow your mind. Now, it's not only possible to move parts of
your body by using your eyes, it can also be done merely by thought.
the efforts between Ohio State University and Batelle, paralysed man Ian
Burkhart became the *first man in the world to succeed in bypassing the
spinal cord and moving a limb using his thoughts*. This amazing event
happened in 2010, and can be seen in the above video. In order to make it
possible, a chip had to be implanted in Burkhart's brain, right into the
motor cortex, the part responsible for body movement.
required considerable time, effort and training, but the fascinating
outcomes make it all worthwhile. Burkhart can now rotate his hand, make a
fist and pinch his fingers together to grasp objects.

<http://undefined/group/Amdavadis4Ever/join?soc_src=mail&soc_trk=ma>*4. A
bacteria that helps smokers quit by eating nicotine*
10 Recent Health Developments]

chain smokers know how difficult it is to quit smoking. There may be
products that can help aid the process, but 80% fail. Recent studies have
found that a certain bacterial enzyme can make this process easier.
breakthrough happened in 2015, when researchers at the Skaggs Institute for
Chemical Biology at the Scipps Research Institute discovered that this
particular bacterial enzyme, found in the bacteria *Pseudomonas putida*, *can
consume nicotine before it ever reaches the brain*. Because of this result,
scientists hope that it will prevent the smokers' desire to smoke.
on this enzyme using lab mice are currently ongoing to make sure there are
no associated risks when using it.

<http://undefined/group/Amdavadis4Ever/join?soc_src=mail&soc_trk=ma>*5. A
universal vaccine for influenza*
10 Recent Health Developments]

is a deadly viral illness that affects the nose, throat, and lungs, and it
has also triggered various pandemics throughout history, such as the
widespread 1918 pandemic. It's estimated that it has caused the death of an
overwhelming 30-50 million people around the world.
2012, with the help of technology, researchers from the University of
Southampton, University of Oxford and Retroscreen Virology Ltd have found a
new set of peptides (short chains of amino acids that are found on the
structures of cells) on influenza viruses, which may lead to a solution to
prevent influenza. The solution is the use of universal vaccines, which *make
the individual more immune to the illness*.
vaccines do not provide this immunity for a long time. However, it is
envisioned that soon, it will be much more durable.

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