Dear friends, 

 Today my posting is about the  different types of screens which we use 
fordifferent purposes  The instinct ofwriting about it came  today when I 
wentto LIC office about 7KM away for some urgent work. Entrance to office 
sectionand cash counters were provided with transparent white screens. For 
going tooffice section I had to push the screen to one side.

 Recently I read in Quora many medial shops in the North providefree 
accommodation to Doctors for consultation. Naturally doctors would writeonly 
medicines available in the medical shop. 

 In Chennai near my home, Apollo pharmacy has a large consultationroom and 
patients waiting room. Probably it is an arrangement by Hospital. Herealso two 
screens provided separately separates pharmacy from visitors anddoctor from 
visitors respectively

 In Tamilnadu temples there is a screen in the sanctumbefore deity. During 
poojas the screen is pulled fully covering poojas doneinside. Kerala temples 
the door of sanctum is closed. 

 We use screen in windows and doors in home also. Screencloth is found a 
support for young girls while talking. 

 In many new flats hall cum dining room is constructed, ascreen separates the 
hall from dining area.

 Screening is also applied in the context of some sort offiltration in many 

 Screening with cloth is used in hospital special wards. 

 Wooden screen is mostly put for separation of class rooms,when classes are in 
a hall. 

 When two officers share a room there might be a screen,mostly of cloth.  On 
those days forstenos in government offices a screen separation was done from 

 Let me go over to interesting screen stories 


Gopala Krishnan 14-06-2021.


 In most of the temples in Tamilnadu, a screen is providedto the entrance door 
of the sanctum. While poojas are performed this screen ismoved instead of 
closing the doors of the sanctum. 

 I am told a screen separate the Chidambara Rahasyam in the sanctum. Ifthe 
screen is removed nothing could be seen for the common man’s eye. 

 Similarly at Kodungallur also a screen separates theentrance to underground 
chamber with in the sanctum the secrets of which arenot known. Kodungallurthe 
principal deities are saptha mathrus though the prominence is for the Devi.


 While I was studying in Primary school, the Head masterused to sit in the 
Veranda on one side and teachers rest room on the other sideof the veranda. 

 On the road side a separation was made with a screen onframe for both. Every 
day evening the head master’s table and chair were movedin to school room.  
These screens were madeof GREEN thick cloth with tying arrangement to the 
frame. The frame had twobigger legs which made it stand firm without falling. 
Somehow green clothscreening is continued still in hospitals and government 
schools. Now privateschools have separate rooms, table and chair, fan and 
Air-conditioner, whiteboardand computer display board, plat forms, which I did 
not have in college exceptfor separate class rooms and fans.


 Separation between classes was mostly made with screen. Butthis used to be a 
wooden structure with thin planks during my high school period.At least two 
persons were required to move them and arrange. Class roomsrequired two screens 
except the last ones of the hall. 

 But there were students who pull the desk and bench beyondscreen length so 
that they can peep in to the next classes. Mostly they wereback benchers, but 
secretly some front benchers too might use of it takingfriendship with them.

 During examination time, these screens are removed, benchesand desks arranged 
in a row in the entire hall. I have seen my father going oneday earlier before 
opening of school after holidays following examinations tore arrange class 


 If one teacher is not there it was common the students makenoise sitting in 
class room. The next class teacher used to blow with cane stickon the screen. 
It was a direction for students to keep quiet. In middle schoolsit is a common 
scene when the head master makes his round blow on the screenlightly to make 
his appearance. 

 When exercises were given, it was a common scene; teachers wouldtalk at screen 
end their personal matters. Of course there were many studentskeeping vigil on 
the teachers movement and observe their talks and spread newsand sometimes 
rumours if one was a lady teacher and another a male teacher. 

 Doorae Doorae orukootu koottam is aMalayalam film, in which Mohanlal is taking 
a class; Menaka is preparing uppumafor the afternoon food to students with a 
separation of wooden screen betweenclass room and kitchen. A naughty student 
asks Mohanlal -what is the Englishword for uppuma, with a little thinking he 
says – “salt mango tree”


 Mostly nurse’s cabin used to be separated in Governmenthospitals and in all 
ICU’s with a screen arrangement. Patients are also separatedin ICU with screen 
on three sides. 


Nurses cabin by screens helped they could rush immediately,at the same time, 
they could concentrate to their other works also, withoutpatient’s distraction. 


 The windows are always provided with screens now daysespecially because there 
is only wooden frame and grounded glass is providedinside the frame. Though 
with grounded glass privacy is achieved, it cannotstop lightening entering.Many 
people are afraid of lightning and providing screens to windows is methodof 
somewhat stopping it.  Further openingwindows will give fresh air. A curtain 
would give privacy. 

 On those days there used to be half curtain and fullcurtains. The half 
curtains gave somewhat privacy and air circulation. Normallycurtain clothes are 
thin clothes of suitable colours matching to the room. 

 The door curtains give a good privacy while the door ispartially covered. 
Person inside can watch outside for people coming, or moving;from outside 
people can see whether door is opened. This was an arrangement ofearlier days. 

 Now most of the houses have side window along with maindoor through which 
people inside can see and open the door. Magic eye in door isanother facility 
provided in flats. 

 In old cine films we can see the heroines singing holdingto door curtains or 
moving curtains etc. I recollect the film song “Eazhusundara rathrikal, ekantha 
sundara rathrikal…. acted so by Sheela very oftenappearing in channels- name of 
the film-Eazhu Sundara rathrikal. 

 Recently I gathered from a person that there are curtainswhich serve as insect 
screen also. However I feel fixed separate insect screenis more reliable.  
These famed insectscreens are not visible first sight to persons. People inside 
can see outside,people from outside cannot see inside. 

 North India at a place called Signapur where famous Lord Saturn templeis 
there, there are no closing doors other than frame work for doors. For bedroom, 
entrance etc. just for privacy curtains is provided in most homes. I have 
visited thetemple a few years back. 


 Now insect screens with metallic mesh and sleek frame workwhich fit on windows 
are made. They can open 180 degrees also now. Though costly about 250-00rupees 
per square feet, they appear very beautiful. Looking at window unlessspecially 
watched screen would not be seen at all. It permits air flow 50-60 
%.Obstruction is only 40% due to mesh. Even in the metal mesh sometimes rat 
tryto tear and succeed some times. After a period, frames would be good, but 
meshhas to be replaced. 


 Some transistors with heat sink on old radios etc. had aseparation from next 
transistor circuit with an extension of heat zinc calledzinc screen. It 
prevented heat created is not spreading to next one.  


 In modern bath rooms a separation between toilet and batharea is made with a 
screen. Where dressing room too is there, another screen isprovided.


The term screening is applied in some examinationsconducted   where for the 
approximatenumber of persons required are selected by a screen test Normally 
selecting 1.5times of the required candidates are selected and through 
interview  the actual number is selected. The preliminaryexaminations for IAS 
etc. come to this category. 

 I had many colleaguesselected for ITS by public service exam and failed in 
interview. Some had passed, but for lack of vacancies inthe year, unfortunately 
not able to enter. I am writing about ITS direct recruitment.  

I am an ITS Group A (retired)  selected by promotion committee after Group B 
service examinationpassing. Not a direct recruit. 


This screen is always a white cloth or white fibre finishfor screening of films 
in theatres. Though the screen is white, I am not surewhy it is called 
silverscreen (Vellithira). 


I will conclude this posting with moderators screening ofposting.  There are 
certain yard sticksfor publishing a message like subject, language, length, 
method of presentation,grammar etc.posted  by a member. If these are metwell, 
the posting was published. It was so still Sri Venkitesan was there asmoderator 
of iyer 123 group.  In fact my question answerposting was renamed as Cultural 
QA by him. 

Mr Aswatha narayana of US Brahmins group(Now non exist) wasan encourager of my 
simple postings 

Generally one cannot expect a moderator to publish aposting having 
un-parliamentary wordings or abusing or attacking a person by amember. 

This posting has 1627words/ approx. 162 lines.


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