Living normally, with Covid-19
In June, Singaporean lawmakers unveiled the country's roadmap to a "new normal" 
in a letter published in the Straits Times, outlining a radical departure from 
Singapore's previous "zero transmission" model.So-called "zero-Covid" 
approaches have been adopted by several countries and territories across the 
Asia-Pacific region.But the letter revealed that Singapore's authorities were 
looking to change tack, moving away from daily monitoring of cases to a focus 
on medical outcomes such as "how many fall very sick, how many in the intensive 
care unit, how many need to be intubated for oxygen, and so on," they 
wrote.Countries like Singapore are preparing to "live with Covid."Eventually, 
they hope, Covid-19 will be treated as a less severe disease, like influenza or 
chicken pox.Weeks later, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson struck a similar note, 
predicting that Covid-19 would "become a virus that we learn to live with as we 
already do with flu." Johnson announced plans to lift almost all coronavirus 
restrictions, including the mask mandate and social distancing rules, in 
England on July 19.He said the country's successful vaccine rollout -- under 
which 66% of the adult population has now received two doses of the jab -- has 
broken the link between infections and severe illness.

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