So true! TRUE VALUE OF LIFE:“The Rigveda is undoubtedly the oldest literary
monument of all languages” Ṛṣis were the seeker of truth, thus known
as ‘Kavikratu’
They were not the writers of mantras in popular belief, they were the
observers of mantras in their core of heart. There is also popular
traditional belief that Veda is not written by ‘Puruṣa', thus the veda is
not human creation. (apaurusheya) ; all shrutis were the voice heard from
the mind, irrespective of the Vedam or Vedangas as ordinary thinking may
not bring out so many in depth verses in a language that descended from
heaven. Ṛk meaning ‘verse’, The ancient sages prayed to their Gods with
beautiful hymns. Rigveda has two Brāhmaṇas and Āraṇyakas named Aitareya and
Kaushitaki. The Upanishads of Rigveda are also Aitareya Upanishad and
Kaushitaki Upanishad. Indian culture always believes in the idea of goodness,
always gives importance to the basic value of life, love and care for
family. Rigveda, the sacred book is not different from this ideology.

Social values: The Ṛṣis of Rigveda Always described the goodness of simple
life through their sacred sacrificial hymns-

 “Sa nah pitévasūnavé, Agné, sūpāyano bhava; Sācasvā naḥ sastayé.”  ‘Agni,
be to with us as is a father to his son, be always present with us for our

In this first hymns of Agni, the ṛṣi requested the deity Agni to be with
the worshipper like the kind father to his son There is another verse
–“debānāmvabaḥ Śivaḥ sakhā” Agni was the first Angiras sage, he was the
auspicious (Śiva) friend of the deities  From the beginning to the end of
the Rigveda Saṃhitā, the melody of peace and goodness was enchanted.  In
this hymn of the seventh maṇḍala the word ‘Śaṃ’ used in the meaning of
peace or auspiciousness

“Śāṃ na Indrāgni….” may lord Indra, Agni protect us with happiness, may
Indra and Varuna give us prosperity.  The word ‘Śāṃ’ is repeated in every
verse of the hymn, In the third mandala of Rigveda ‘śivaṃ’ used in the
sense of auspiciousness. The worshipper prays before God that let us have
only hear the good sounds With our ears, let us see with our eyes what is
good, they don’t even won’t to see or listen anything that is not good
“bhadraṃ karṇviḥ sṛnuyama devā”

    Our Vedas Upanishads always show us the path of truth- ‘satyaṃ Vada
dharmaṃ chara’

      Family values: In our Indian culture marriage is not only the tie of
two people, It is a divine bonding between two families. Two people cannot
start their journey without the blessings of God and elders. It is like
being enlightened from the gloom of ignorance. In the wedding hymn of the
tenth mandala, the prayer is beautifully enchanted as-“Earth is upheld by
truth, heaven is upheld by the Sun, the Ādityas are supported by sacrifice,
soma is supreme in heaven” .

    In Atharva Veda we can also find a beautiful verse, where the sage
prays that sons should respect their parents and bride groom both should
care for themselves. What a splendid idea this is! “anubrataḥ pituḥ putro
matrā bhabatu samana"  In the fifth mandala there is a prayer, which means
fortunate is this bride behold her give your congratulations and blessings
to her. “Sumāngali badhurimaṃ samétā paṣyata"  A home is not only
collection of some bricks, woods etc. but true bonding with each other
makes a family happy. In another verse there is a prayer to the all god to
unite the souls of the bride groom  care for nature and mankind: The Ṛṣis
always prayed for the betterment of the whole Universe. When it comes to
the discussion of the ‘MadhuSukta’ of the sage Gouthama, he prayed for a
beautiful world, prosperous future where everything will be beautiful. The
sweetness may spread all over. This winds bring sweetness, the river may
bring sweet water, may herb bring goodness to us may morning and night be
sweet, may the Sun be spread brightness, may the cattle be sweet to us. The
immense love for the earth reflects in the whole hymn. "Mādhubātā ṛtāyaté
Mādhukṣharanti sindhabaḥ”  In the 6th ṃanḍala– dyabāprithivimimikhataṃ……”
 There is a prayer for all the universe may being (madhu) auspicious for
us. This is a simple prayer, but the idea is so great within. The real goal
of life is to pray for everyone, never feel hatred. The real value of our
life should be not only caring for our families but to save our nature from
destruction. Nowadays we don’t understand the value of our nature but in
the remote past the Vedic sages realized the importance of nature.

    Rigveda Saṃhitā starts with the hymn of the lord ‘Agni’. He is the
‘hotā, Kavikratu with his radiant flame he cremates all the vices within
us.  In the end of this saṃhitā there flows a melody of unity, piece. The
message of equality touches the deep core of our heart forever. “Meet
together, talk together, let your minds apprehend alike in like manner as
the ancient gods occurring accepted portion of their sacrifice. “Saṃ
gacchaḍhaṃ saṃ badadhamsam sam bo manaṃsi jantaṃ”  The intention of all
worshippers is common, their wishes are common in core of their soul, their
thoughts are same also.

      In the Atharvaveda there is also a hymn, where the sage made a prayer
for all, he thought may everybody share foods and follow the brotherhood
with everyone. They also prayed for peace for the whole Universe. These
ancient seers taught us how to live life with true value, with true love
for mankind. The ancient sages always show us the right path to move in
life and always prays for the betterment and welfare. give us blessings for
betterment. “yūaṃ Pata svastiviḥ sadā na “

        Rigveda tells us about the real values of life. The seers deal with
high moral values, social ethics, immense love and care for mankind and for
the whole Universe, which is of high significance in ancient Indian
history. Rigveda represents our enriched cultural heredity. We should be
proud of our ancient literature and legacy.

K Rajaram  IRS 21524//22524

On Tue, 21 May 2024 at 18:16, Jambunathan Iyer <>

> "One who is naughty, who does not know whether what he does is right or
> wrong and who has taken to the wrong path is to be disciplined even if he
> is a guru, parent or an elder in age or learning."
> N Jambunathan Rengarajapuram-Kodambakkam-Chennai-Mob:9176159004
> *" What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you
> become by achieving your goals. If you want to live a happy life, tie it to
> a goal, not to people or things "*

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