I    Communication is crucial for several reasons:


   *Understanding and Connection*: It helps people share ideas, thoughts,
   and feelings, leading to better understanding and connection. This is
   fundamental in both personal relationships and professional environments.

   *Coordination and Collaboration*: In a team or organizational setting,
   clear communication ensures that everyone is on the same page, which
   enhances coordination and collaboration. This is essential for achieving
   common goals and solving problems efficiently.

   *Conflict Resolution*: Effective communication can help address and
   resolve conflicts by allowing people to express their concerns, listen to
   others, and find common ground.

   *Information Sharing*: It facilitates the transfer of knowledge and
   information, which is critical for decision-making and learning. Whether
   it’s sharing updates, instructions, or feedback, communication ensures that
   relevant information is disseminated.

   *Trust Building*: Consistent and honest communication builds trust
   between individuals and groups. When people feel informed and heard, they
   are more likely to trust and feel comfortable in their interactions.

   *Influence and Persuasion*: Communication is key in influencing others
   and persuading them towards particular actions or viewpoints. Whether in
   marketing, leadership, or everyday interactions, how you communicate can
   significantly impact outcomes.

   *Emotional Support*: It provides a means for offering and receiving
   emotional support. Sharing experiences and expressing empathy through
   communication can help people feel valued and understood.

   *Learning and Development*: Communication is integral to education and
   personal growth. Through discussions, feedback, and mentorship, individuals
   can acquire new skills and knowledge.

In essence, communication is the foundation of human interaction and
societal function. It shapes our relationships, impacts our personal and
professional lives, and is essential for progress and understanding.

  II  VALMIKI  RAMAYANAM:           Lord Hanuman emerges as an unparalleled
Maestro of Communication. His interactions with Lord Ram, Sita, Sugreev,
Raavan, and his comrades stand as living proof of his extraordinary prowess
in conveying messages with precision, emotion, and impact. Hanuman's
adeptness in communication not only advances the storyline of the Ramayan
but also imparts profound lessons in the art of effective communication for
us, mere mortals. His legacy continues to resonate through generations,
underscoring the fact that words when harnessed with wisdom and sincerity,
possess the potential to bridge divides, evoke sentiments, and sculpt
destinies. Amidst the expansive fabric of Hindu mythology, Lord Hanuman
emerges as the embodiment of unwavering devotion, exceptional prowess, and
unparalleled communication skills.

The First Encounter with Lord Ram in Kishkindha Kand

His words resonate with unwavering loyalty and humility, underscoring his
deep understanding of the importance of conveying respect while asserting
his purpose.

Hanuma, at the behest of Sugreeva, approaches Rama and Lakshmana in the
guise of an ascetic. The reason to change his original form to that of a
sanyasi is that, the intruders in this area Rama and Lakshmana appear in a
self-contradictory personage. By their body built, striking features,
wielding armoury they look like kings or emperors. But when it comes to
their dress and hairdo, they are almost like hermits. Sugreeva is well
aware of political milieu and enemy's tactics, and thus asked Hanuma not to
approach them in his original monkey form in earlier chapter. Equally well,
Rama and Lakshmana doubt the entry of an ascetic i.e., Hanuma in that
guise, into this uninhabited place, and they wait cautiously till Hanuma
reveals himself. From here up to Sundara Kanda, Hanuma's words and actions
are weighted, and need an in-depth study. In this episode, what all Hanuma
says is drawn from scriptures and political science, and what all Rama
analyses Hanuma, by way of Hanuma's expressiveness, is relevant to
scriptures, i.e., Veda-s. In mythology, Hanuma is taken as the veda
vedaanga paarangataH, knower of all Vedas, and their subsidiary scriptures,
nava vyaakarana panditaH, scholar in nine schools of grammars, buddhimata
variSTaH , cleverest of the clever. He is the supreme scholar, teacher, and
the cleverest.

     एतत् श्रुत्वा वचः तस्य रामो लक्ष्मणम् अब्रवीत् |

प्रहृष्ट वदनः श्रीमान् भ्रातरम् पार्श्वतः स्थितम् || ४-३-२५  4 3 25

Hearing all those words said by Hanuma, that illustrious Rama is well
pleased facially, spoke to his brother Lakshmana who is standing at his
side. [4-3-25]

Again, Rama is following his imperial protocol. As an emperor he does not
enter into any direct conversation with envoys or ambassadors. Later Rama
asks Lakshmana to conduct the dialogue with Hanuma. This is said to have
another reason. Because *Lakshmana is another wordsmith, equalling Hanuma
by way of his knowledge in scriptures,* Rama assigns that duty to
Lakshmana. Now Rama's analysis of this envoy's knowledge, thereby gauging
his master's virtuousness, is made know to Lakshmana in the following

सचिवो अयम् कपीन्द्रस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः |

तम् एव काङ्क्षमाणस्य मम अन्तिकम् इह आगतः || ४-३-२६

"He is the minister of that noteworthy soul and king of monkeys,
Sugreeva... whom alone I cherish, but he himself has drawn nigh of me, on
his own... [4-3-26]

तम् अभ्यभाष सौमित्रे सुग्रीव सचिवम् कपिम् |

वाक्यज्ञम् मधुरैः वाक्यैः स्नेह युक्तम् अरिन्दम || ४-३-२७

"Soumitri, with this minister of Sugreeva, the knower of sententiousness
and a pleasant worded one, and one with friendliness you exchange
pleasantries with that enemy destroyer Hanuma... [4-3-27]

The word arindamam meaning to the enemy destroyer' is to pertain to
Lakshmana as oh, enemy destroyer, because Rama has not yet concluded on
Hanuma's epithets. In Chaukambha version, in Gorakhpur version and in
Eastern versions it is arindama, in vocative case only, but Baroda and
Tokunaga versions and some more have this as arindamam, objective case.
Similar usage can be found in this chapter at 4-3-36, vaajyaj~naH,
vaakyaj~nam etc.

न अन् ऋग्वेद विनीतस्य न अ\-\-यजुर्वेद धारिणः |

न अ\-\-साम वेद विदुषः शक्यम् एवम् विभाषितुम् || ४-३-२८

"Nay...the non-knower of Rig Veda, or the non-rememberer of Yajur Veda, or
the non-scholar of Saama Veda... can possibly, or truly speak this way...
[4-3-28]  {KR authority that Vedas are ancient to Ramayana which is around
7000 BCE; a good speech denotes the height of the learned.}

From hereon Rama's analysis of Hanuma is depicted. In Rig Veda every letter
has too many phonetically deflected variations, in many ways to mean many
things. It is practically impossible to contain that knowledge, unless the
recitalist has complete control over it. Hence the word, viniita, 'well
trained' is used. In Yajurveda many anuvaaka-s or passages occur
recursively, with different utilisation. Remembering not to mix one with
the other is a difficult process. Hence the recitalist has to have enormous
remembrance. In Saamaveda the pitch and duration of the rendering is of
high importance, as such it requires a scholarly bent to control vocal
notes. The three words, vinaya, schooling; dhaaraNa, remembrance and vedana
knowledge are required to each of the above Veda-s. Atharva Veda, on the
other hand, has no recital performance other than the above. Hence, it is
said, is not quoted by Rama. Hanuma said 'you two are eligible to rule the
earth' as at 4-3-15, which tantamount to the quote brhamaa vaa idam ekaeva
agra aasiit... from Rigveda aitereya. Next, he said that you are deities
inhuman form at 4-3-13, which has its bearing on the Yajurveda quote
ajaayamaano bahudhaa vijaayate... Then Rama is said having lotus-petal like
eyes, at 4-3-11, taking clue from cChandogya of Saamaveda, myathaakapyaasam
punDariikam evaakshiNii.... Hence these utterances of Hanuman are said to
have direct base in the Veda-s.

नूनम् व्यकरणम् कृत्स्नम् अनेन बहुधा श्रुतम् |

बहु व्याहरता अनेन न किंचित् अप शब्दितम् || ४-३-२९

"Definitely grammar is severally and comprehensively learnt by him... and
though much is said by him not a single word has gone amiss of verbiage... [

Earlier Vedic knowledge of Hanuma is analysed. Now his knowledge of
grammar, the essential part of Vedic learning is analysed. Without the
knowledge of subsidiary scriptures of Veda-s, like, vyaakarana, nirukta,
sikhsha, chandas, the study of Vedas and its ancillaries itself is futile.
Reading and reciting the Vedic hymns is of no use in practical life, for
the knowledge learnt thereon is to be implemented in society. A simple
recitalist is known as chaandasa orthodox fellow, while the user of that
knowledge for the good of society is vyavahaarta practical fellow. Hence
Hanuma is implementing the grammar and training received originally as a
Vedic scholar, because he is a practical one.

न मुखे नेत्रयोः च अपि ललाटे च भ्रुवोः तथा |

अन्येषु अपि च सर्वेषु दोषः संविदितः क्वचित् || ४-३-३०

"On his face or eyes, or on forehead or brows, or on other faculties of
expression no fault is found...even at the least... [4-3-30]

Now the behavioural niceties of a Vedic scholar are being analysed. The
siksha part of Veda-s imposes certain rules while reciting the hymns. There
will be some paaTaka athama-s, Reciters, the worst. The following verse
elucidates the skills of such worst reciters.

giitii shiighrii shiraH kampii tathaa likhita paaThakaH |

anarthaj~no'lpa kanNThaH ca ShaT ete paaThakaadhamaa ||

1] Undue stretching, 2] quickening the pace, 3] nodding the head 4] reading
by seeing written texts without memorising 5] unknowing the meaning, 6]
weak-voiced, are thus the six sorts of worst reciters of Vedic hymns.

अविस्तरम् असंदिग्धम् अविलम्बितम् अव्यथम् |

उरःस्थम् कण्ठगम् वाक्यम् वर्तते मध्यमे स्वरम् || ४-३-३१

"Unexpanded, un-doubtful, un-delaying and non-dissonant is the tenor of his
speech, and it comports in his chest or throat in a medium tone...[4-3-31]

After elucidating the reciters, the worst, now the recitation, the worst is
being analysed.

shankitam bhiitam udghuShTam avyaktam anunaasikam |

kaaku svaram shiirShagatam tathaa sthaana varjitam |

visvaram virasam caiva vishliShTam viShamaanvitam |

vyaakulam taalu bhinnam ca paaTha doShaaH cartur dashaH ||

Reading scriptures with 1] doubting, 2] fearing, 3] shouting,4] unclear, 5]
nasal, 6] shrieking, 7] high-pitched, and like with 8]improper sounds
placement, 9] melody-less, 10] rudely, and also 11] letters torn apart, 12]
rendering negative meaning, 13] chaotic, 14] labiovelar, are the fourteen
reciting mistakes.

संस्कार क्रम संपन्नाम् अद्भुताम् अविलम्बिताम् |

उच्चारयति कल्याणीम् वाचम् हृदय हर्षिणीम् || ४-३-३२

"He has orderly refinement in speech that is remarkable and un-delaying,
and he speaks propitious words that are heart-pleasing...[4-3-32]

Best reciters will render phonetics as below, as contained in siikhsha of

maadhuryam akSharavyaktiH pada cchedaH tadaa tvaraa

dhairyam laya samanvitam ca ShaT ete paaThakaaH guNaaH

With sweet voice, enunciated syllables, properly parting the words, quick
and confident, and rhythm included are the six best qualities of best

अनया चित्रया वाचा त्रिस्थान व्यंजनस्थयाः |

कस्य न आराध्यते चित्तम् उद्यत् असे अरेः अपि || ४-३-३३

"His speech is generated in three places is enthralling... and whose heart
is it that is disenchanted, even that of an enemy after raising his sword
at him, on hearing his speech...[4-3-33]

Three places to generate speech are urashi at chest, shirashi at head,
kanTha at throat. A real speqker of his mind has to generate his speech in
these three areas, without rendering any lip service. Again this is the
rule of Vedic siksha namely the training.

एवम् विधो यस्य दूतो न भवेत् पार्थिवस्य तु |

सिद्ध्यन्ति हि कथम् तस्य कार्याणाम् गतयोऽनघ || ४-३-३४

"Oh, faultless Lakshmana, if this sort of envoy is not there to a king,
really how can that king accomplishes his ways and means... [4-3-34]

एवम् गुण गणैर् युक्ता यस्य स्युः कार्य साधकाः |

तस्य सिद्ध्यन्ति सर्वेऽर्था दूत वाक्य प्रचोदिताः || ४-३-३५

"Should a king have this kind of work accomplishers with a variety of
virtues, all his objectives will be achieved impelled by such an envoy's
words..." Rama thus said to Lakshmana. [4-3-35]

एवम् उक्तः तु सौमित्रिः सुग्रीव सचिवम् कपिम् |

अभ्यभाषत वाक्यज्ञो वाक्यज्ञम् पवनात्मजम् || ४-३-३६

When said thus by Rama, wise-worded Lakshmana spoke to that monkey and the
minister of Sugreeva, namely Hanuma, the son of Air-God, who is equally a
wise-worded one. [4-3-36]

In the 7 or 8 slokas, Lord Rama explains the important aspects of
communication skills of Hanuman, that impressed him most.  They are:

1.  Hanuman spoke very briefly.  Not too long or too short.  He spoke only
for the required level;

2.  He also spoke with clarity and without ambiguity;

3.  He spoke without any grammatical errors;

4.  He used only appropriate words, that cannot be replaced with any other

5.  He spoke in a medium voice that is audible to the other person.  Not
too loud or too feeble;

6. His pronunciation of words was correct.  The way he was pronouncing the
words was like a music and it was pleasant;

7. All the words spoken by him, went to the heart straight.


Kural 645 gives a guide line:

"The words used should be carefully selected so that no other words can
effectively replace them."

Which means, there should not be any ambiguity in the words used.

சொல்லுக சொல்லைப் பிறிதோர்சொல் அச்சொல்லை

வெல்லுஞ்சொல் இன்மை அறிந்து.( 645)

அச்சொல்லை வெல்லுஞ்சொல் இன்மை = No other word can replace it An executive
capable of communicating complex concepts successfully is well recognized
by everybody.People like Winston Churchill, Edmund Burke, Pandit Nehru and
others were known for their inspiring speeches which kept the entire
audience spell bound.

Kural 728:

" A widely  learned man, if cannot communicate well,

   All his learning is a waste"

பல்லவை கற்றும் பயமிலரே நல்லவையுள்

நன்கு செலச்சொல்லா தார். ( 728)

நன்கு செலச்சொல்லா தார். = Those who cannot communicate well.

Even in the kural 730, it is said that

if educated people are afraid to covey their thoughts in an assembly,

Even though living  , they are considered  as dead.

உளரெனினும் இல்லாரொடு ஒப்பர் களன்அஞ்சிக்

கற்ற செலச்சொல்லா தார்.( 730)

உளரெனினும் = Even though living

இல்லாரொடு ஒப்பர் = Considered  as dead.

 The purpose of any education or knowledge is to educate others. One need
not be a teacher to eduacate others. Through their communication, they can
educate others in an informal way.

They should have the ability to explain in an effective way. If they do not
have that ability, they are even though  living , considered as dead..

Essence of Kural 727 :

" A learned man afraid of speaking to an assembly of wise is nothing but a
eunuch with a sharp sword in hand in a war field."

(An eunuch is neither male or female person)

பகையகத்துப் பேடிகை ஒள்வாள் அவையகத்து

அஞ்சு மவன்கற்ற நூல்.

Thiruvalluvar compares a learned man with no communication skill to a
eunuch (hermaphrodite= no gender) with a shining sword in a war field. In
this Kural Thiruvalluvar uses the Tamil word பேடி (Paedi) (which means
eunuch.). A eunuch cannot fight bravely even with the finest sword. A man
without communication skill is similar to him. No use of him to the society.

 IV       WEST:   The speeches of the eminent leaders had brought great
changes among the people, Edmund Berg's " Speech on American Taxation." in
UK parliament (1774)

Abraham Lincoln's " Gettysberg Speech " delivered during the American Civil
War. (1863)

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's " A tryst with Destiny" (1947)

Martin Luther King Jr 's " I have a Dream " (1963.)

K Rajaram IRS 15 09 2024

On Sun, 15 Sept 2024 at 18:25, Jambunathan Iyer <n.jambun...@gmail.com>

> True!!! . Not only Relationships but at time even peace too !!!!  Happy
> Onam
> ​N Jambunathan Rengarajapuram-Kodambakkam-Chennai-Mob:9176159004
> *" What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you
> become by achieving your goals. If you want to live a happy life, tie it to
> a goal, not to people or things "*
> On Sun, 15 Sep 2024 at 1:05 PM, Rama <kaviran...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 🌹Communication is like lifeline of any Relation*.
>> *When you stop communicating,*
>> *you start losing your valuable relations*
>> ************************
>> Happy Onam
>> ************
>> Cheers
>> Rama

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