Go to this index page ( link at bottom of letter) and look at the picture and caption of the iraqi children. Maybe I am too compassionate for my own good. But think about if the roles were reversed, suppose they were "OUR" children playing, facing the threat of someone dropping atom bombs -(or the equivalent) on them.
   I can feel the fear. I wouldn't want that for me or MY kids or grandson. I remember the fear when growing up we had the "whistle " everyday @ lunchtime. Mom called it the lunch whistle, but I know now it was the test whistle for the bombs. (1960's). I remember seeing the pictures of the war in vietnam in life mag. while waiting in my dentist office, and the reports I was forced to do for school.
      *Remember the lil girl running down the road naked? I felt her fear and shame and embarrassment*
           Are we that Barbaric? Have we not progressed at all in over 2000 years? (*Assumption of christ's walk on earth) We are amassing to nothing more than Cavemen...Clubbing each other over the heads, only using bigger and more sophisticated  and dangerous clubs. To what end? More death, destruction, and of course more RETALIATIONS. Every action affords an equal and opposite reaction?
            I sit here during the day, going about my biz. reading, listening to short-wave, mailing letters, and news briefs, signing pettitons, going to bed at night and murmuring ( after burning out in all this) GOD,  PLEASE........HELP.  To what end? TPTB in washington still seem hell-bent in destroying life. I listen to Alex Jones and John Stadtmiller and Joyce and Dave and wonder what all the chatter has gotten us? THE NEW WORLD ORDER is still being implemented...the police state is still forming in states across the country, pocking up here and there, in towns everywhere.
      Have we really stopped the MACHINE?  I fear not. I listen to the pro war, and pro police state B.S. coming from the mouths of seemingly sane people , and know that the LORD is very displeased with us. Have we really come far at all? I get visions of all the destruction and know that a few and I mean a few people will be left after all is said and done, to rebuild and try to be human again.  If I thought copying this letter and sending it to washington would do any good I would.....If any one knows of somebody, anybody left, in helltown D.C. that has an ounce of compassion, let me know and I will send it, otherwise it will just be the ranting of a burnt out soul in all the insanity we live in.

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