Found this link from an e-mail list...

The Boy King and His War

By the time you read these words, George W. Bush may already have launched his war against Iraq. Since August, he has acted like a boy king, stomping his feet and demanding, "I want my war. Give me my war." He told all of his vassals to make sure it happened, and at press time, it sure looked likely.

The whole issue of getting inspectors into Iraq, even the goal of disarmament, was a ruse. What Bush has wanted all along is to overthrow Saddam Hussein. He was honest about that originally, though he used the hideous neologism "regime change." But when that wouldn't fly diplomatically, he reverted to disarmament. Then, when it became obvious that Saddam was cooperating, at least to some extent, with the inspectors, Bush pulled the "regime change" card out of his sleeve once again.

At almost every opportunity, Bush claimed that Saddam was not only a threat but a "growing" or "mounting" or "gathering" threat........Read More here......

"The strongest reason for people to retain the right
to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort,
to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
-- Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
Ain't Karma A Bitch!

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