I am trying to include the sketch of an old survey as a background image 
on which I want to superimpose the new map.
Here is a simplified example: the new survey is in SaleGosse4_test.th 
with maps in SG4_plan1.th2.
For the underlying survey to keep a reasonable size, I used a morphed 
sketch of the same survey which is SG4_A1_plan2_carnet.th2 with 
background sketch Sale-Gosse_Carnet_2010_A1_plan2.jpg.

When I compile the pdf for that map (not included here because it is 
above 6 Mb), the warped sketch image is included 9 times instead of only 
one. Apparently, it is considered as a sketch for all the scraps of the 
map while it should only be the sketch of one of them. There is not only 
the problem of file size explosion (over 50 Mb for the original survey 
sketch with 16 scraps above), but the image is also hiding the scraps 
that are supposed to be above it.

I tried to play with many parameters in the layout (transparency, 
surface bottom or top) without much changes.
It seems to me like a bug, or I missed something.  Does anyone have an idea?



Xavier Pennec
Senior Research Scientist / Directeur de recherche
Asclepios project-team, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
2004 Route des Lucioles, BP93
F-06902 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex, France
+33 4 92 38 76 64
+33 6 78 35 16 90
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