
Thanks for looking at this.

I tried on 5.3.15 and 5.3.16 and the effect is similar.

Note the shape of the survey legs differs between outputs - if the date
specified is beyond the geomag data, the angle between the survey legs is

I think the problem is characterized by specifying a date that extends
beyond the geomagnetic data range contained within Therion.

In this case the error reported should not be "unable to determine magnetic
declination for undated surveys" but rather indicate that a survey date
extends beyond the geomagnetic database in this version of Therion.

Have attached the thconfig file I used, and some outputs identified by the
survey date and Therion version used to create them.

Of the outputs, only the file cave2015-5.3.16.pdf has survey dates within
the range of the version of Therion used to compile it.

It is also the only output with the correct survey shape and valid /magdecl



From: therion-bounces at [] On Behalf
Of Stacho Mudrak
Sent: Thursday, 22 January 2015 4:45 a.m.
To: List for Therion users
Subject: Re: [Therion] Magnetic declination meltdown

Hi Bruce, 

I have tried to reproduce your error but without success.

Attached thconfig file gives me "unable to determine magnetic declination
for undated surveys" warning, but \magdecl is correctly defined

Are to able to send me some dataset, where this error occurs? Or does it
happen in previous version of therion?




cs lat-long

data normal from to compass clino tape

0 1 90 0 10

fix 0 48.14 19.99 230

date 2012.01.09



data normal from to compass clino tape

1 2 100 0 10



export map

On 19 January 2015 at 09:57, Bruce <bruce at> wrote:

It seems I was wrong about the cause of the problem, the problem is more in
Therion than in data entry.

Looks like Therion 5.3.15 cannot handle survey dates in 2015 (as implied in
the changes logs), and so 5.3.16 is required to use coordinate systems with
surveys dated from 2015 onwards.

That is OK, but what could be improved, is the reporting of the error to
something like.

 magnetic declination not available for survey date

 and also to improve the variable    \magdecl in this circumstance.



From: Bruce [] 
Sent: Monday, 19 January 2015 4:34 p.m.
To: 'List for Therion users'
Subject: Magnetic declination meltdown

 A random discovery with the new tex variable    \magdecl = magnetic
declination in degrees.

 If one uses a defined coordinate system and forgets to provide a survey
date for all surveys, then there is some 'not very well trapped' undesirable

The log file produces something like this.

  "C:\Program Files\Therion\therion.exe: warning -- unable to determine
magnetic declination for undated surveys

output coordinate system: EPSG:2193

meridian convergence (deg): -0.0696


which is appropriate behaviour, however it is followed by.


#################### end of metapost log file ####################

converting scraps ... done

making map ... done

######################## pdftex log file #########################

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (Web2C 2009) (format=pdftex
2010.1.2)  18 JAN 2015 20:21

entering extended mode


(./data.tex (./th_enc.tex) (./th_texts.tex) (./th_resources.tex

(c:/Program Files/Therion/texmf/tex/glyphtounicode.tex))

rogram Files/Therion/texmf/fonts/})


Normal \count register pool exhausted, switching to extended pool.)


Overfull \hbox (299.59392pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 12--12

[]\thfb gridnorth

00000000000000000000000000000000.00deg |

\hbox(8.33333+2.33333)x330.05206, glue set - 1.0


.\thfb g

.\thfb r

.\thfb i

.\thfb d


) (./th_pages.tex)

 253 numeric registers used out of 32768

 [1] ) 

Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:

 1706 strings out of 95617



which is not so good, but at least it does produce a generally OK looking
pdf (with my experimental debug like header layout). 

In this case it might be better to set \magdecl to a more meaningful error

If it can take a string value then "unable to determine magnetic declination
for undated surveys" is probably good.


Therion mailing list
Therion at

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