Hi Bruce,

An interesting read. I think the test of any model is how well it handles
the exceptions. In the case of my own projects (where I use my recommended
structure of course) I have cases where I have to draw up a section of cave
which spans more than one trip in one drawing (typically difficult
junctions where approach passages were surveyed on different trips). So
here I have to add a .th2 file at a higher level than the trip and have to
draw the scrap referencing the station names with more than just the
number. The tip to specify the namespace in the scrap header is how I
handle this where I can keep each scrap to an area belonging to a single
trip (I still might want to draw multiple scraps in the same map editor
file, hence the need to place the .th2 file outside the trip). But in some
cases to get things to output how I want, there is no way to avoid having
stations from multiple trips in the same scrap. So here each station name
needs to include the namespace. So in reality the model I recommend only
works in idea cases, and needs to be merged with parts of some of your
other models to deal with these exceptions. The key thing I try to avoid as
far as possible is having to add namespaces to each station (as it means
you can no longer just click on the stations in a sketch imported from
PocketTopo and have the station numbers set automatically). I usually end
up clicking on all the station points to give them automatically assigned
numbers, and then add the namespace using search and replace in a plain
text editor.

It would be good to add an analysis of the pros and cons of each structure
to your document, covering how they handle the imperfect structure of real
world data.


On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 12:38 PM Vasily Vl. Suhachev via Therion <
therion@speleo.sk> wrote:

> Hello Bruce and All
> I had to draw a few large caves and I want to share my experience:
> 1) I always keep scanned survey notebooks. This is an artifact obtained in
> a cave and is the source of truth.
> 2) I store the entire centerline in a separate directory with a split into
> files on a trip basis. I think this is more correct because the centerline
> is a direct reflection of the survey notebooks. In the case of an error,
> this allows you to quickly navigate to notebooks. Entire cave centerline
> assembled in index file inside centerline directory.
> 3) I do not tie maps tightly to survey trips because it's usually more
> convenient to draw a map that covers a cave part (passage, grotto) rather
> than surveying trip.
> I call such dedicated part of the cave as `subsystem`. Subsystem maps are
> stored in separate subsystem directories. In each directory there are files
> `thconfig`, * .th2 and a file `maps.th` in which the definition of maps
> and joins is stored.
> I store the definition of maps of the entire cave in the top directory in
> the `maps.th` file in which I connect the` maps.th` files from the
> subsystems' directories. I do not use therion namespaces for maps because
> the number of maps are much smaller than the surveys. Uniqueness of names
> of maps I support manually.
> Folder structure example:
> cave
>     +-- survey                    # scanned notebooks
>         +-- trip1
>             +-- 1.jpg
>             +-- 2.jpg
>             +-- 3.jpg
>         +-- trip2
>         +-- trip3
>         +-- trip4
>     +-- cl                        # centerline
>         +-- cave.th               # index file with equates
>         +-- trip1.th
>         +-- trip2.th
>         +-- trip3.th
>         +-- trip4.th
>     +-- model
>         +-- thconfig
>     +-- map
>         +-- p                     # plan
>             +-- subsystem1
>                 +-- 1.th2
>                 +-- 2.th2
>                 +-- maps.th
>                 +-- thconfig
>             +-- subsystem2
>                 +-- 3.th2
>                 +-- maps.th
>                 +-- thconfig
>             +-- maps.th
>             +-- thconfig
>         +-- rr                     # extended elevation
>         +-- r240                   # elevation at 240
> 06.07.2017 03:08, Bruce Mutton via Therion пишет:
> A little while ago I explored the effects of different ways of relating
> scraps and maps to surveys, and to the files that contain them.
> I came up with the attached text, which I might get around to turning into
> a wiki page sometime.  There are links to some examples already available
> via the wiki.
> Before I wiki-ise it, I’d like some feedback, or criticism, as
> appropriate!  Is it helpful? (I think so)
> Footleg, I plagiarised your page, just a little.
> Also, if Danilo Magnani or Will Urbanski are still listening, or if
> someone knows how to contact them, I’d like permission to put on the wiki
> the project samples they posted to this forum some years ago. Those are
> named Complesso - Buc di V,  and DDC – Radio Collar Cave.
> Bruce
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>   WBR, Vasily
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