Ok, I found the error...
thanks for your help!

‪On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 10:10 PM ‫עמרי גסטר‬‎ <omri...@gmail.com> wrote:‬

> Hi everyone,
> I need to join 4 surveys and I have a strange error which I don't
> understand...
> kikarOmRzRb071219
> kikar_start
> Hkikar_inner_3_1_20
> Hakikar_B_7_12_19
> every survey  by itself is generated fine.
> when I'm joining kikarOmRzRb071219 to Hakikar_B_7_12_19 the join is good,
> but when I add the others I get an error that the scrap file doesn't
> exists...
> why Therion doesn't recognize the scraps?
> I added the .th & .th2 files
> Omri
> --

עמרי גסטר
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