I put my map definitions for each survey at the end of the th2 file. I use the 
survey name followed by projection as the map name using camel notation 
e.g. surveyNamePlan

This way I always know how to reference the map for any survey without having 
to look in the file.
The maps are then put together in a separate file in the top level folder in a 
file which I name caveSystemMaps.th where caveSystem is obviously the name of 
the top level map. I used to use cave system_maps.th as the file name but I've 
found by using camel notation for all map items it differentiates them from 
survey names.

This file contains all the maps and combinations of maps
map caveSystemPlan -title "Cave System Plan"

map lowerLevelsPlan
        surveyName4Plan [100 50 m] above

A real example can be seen here 
<http://www.cave-registry.org.uk/svn/Sarawak/Mulu/Api/Clearwater/> in the file 

This is my template for thconfig files. I just do find and replace surveyName 
with whatever my survey name is and modify the line #select surveyNamePlan to 
camel notation.

For folder structure I put all output files into a top level folder called 
output to make it easier to archive everything to a repository excluding the 
output files which can be reproduced by Therion. This saves a lot of space on 
the server.

encoding  utf-8
######################################## Input  

source surveyName.th
input /Users/daveclucas/Documents/caving/surveys/common_layout.th
input /Users/daveclucas/Documents/caving/surveys/therionLayouts/layoutscales.thc

######################################## Layouts  

layout layout
  copy common
  copy LayoutScale2000
  map-header 0 0 off
  rotate 60
layout images
  map-image 0 100 sw ../output/componentElevations/surveyName_elev300.pdf
  map-header 0 0 nw
layout xviScale
        scale 1 1000
layout debug
  colour map-fg altitude
  symbol-show point station
  debug station-names

######################################## Output  

export model -o ../output/componentModels/surveyName.lox
export model -o ../output/componentModels/surveyName.3d
#export model -o ..output/componentModels/surveyName.kml        #requires a 
fixed station in survey
#export map -o ../output/componentModels/surveyName.kml #requires a fixed 
station in survey

export map -o ../output/componentModels/surveyName.xvi -layout xviScale
export map -o ../output/componentModels/surveyName_e300.xvi -layout xviScale 
-proj [elevation 300]

#export map -o ../output/componentElevations/surveyName_elev300.pdf -proj 
[elevation 300] -layout layout -layout LayoutScale1000
#select surveyNamePlan
#export map -o ../output/componentPlans/surveyName.pdf -layout layout -layout 
LayoutScale1000 #-layout images


Dave Clucas
daveclucas.com <http://daveclucas.com/>
sarawak-caves.com <http://sarawak-caves.com/>
dave.clucas at icloud.com <mailto:daveclucas at icloud.com>

Exploring the World - One cave at a time

> On 27 Apr 2015, at 04:11, therion-request at speleo.sk wrote:
> Send Therion mailing list submissions to
>       therion at speleo.sk
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>       http://mailman.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>       therion-request at speleo.sk
> You can reach the person managing the list at
>       therion-owner at speleo.sk
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Therion digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: Therion Digest, Vol 112, Issue 5 (Rob Countess)
>   2. Re: Therion Digest, Vol 112, Issue 5 (Bruce)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2015 15:30:23 -0700
> From: Rob Countess <rob.countess at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [Therion] Therion Digest, Vol 112, Issue 5
> To: List for Therion users <therion at speleo.sk>
> Message-ID:
>       <CAJJSGway102cCAHVUMhacaEsobRgyhAJn7WBd167chzLhRzeAQ at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Bruce,
> Again thanks for all your help.
> In your attachment you had some mention of where to put low-level map
> definitions. Could you explain the benefits of placing map definitions:
> 1) in the file outside of surfer/endsurvery
> 2) in the file inside of at and the start of survey/endsurvey
> 3) in separate file
> It seems like you've given this a lot of thought and would choose
> differently if you were starting out again and since I am just starting out
> I'd like to understand more.
> Rob
> The survey network and map hierarchies are then tied together in INDEX.th
> files
> [If I were to start my 'Therion life' again, I would place the map
> definitions inside of, and at the start of the survey-endsurvey block to
> promote ease of use and simpler map references in INDEX files.  The above
> structure was intended to make maps independent of surveys (which is
> preferred), but I did not think it through ? to achieve that we would have
> to have map definitions in separate files.  Separate files would work OK,
> but would increase the number or size of files.  At the time, we chose not
> to go this way.  Another time, I might choose differently.  Bruce]
> On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 2:54 PM, Bruce <bruce at tomo.co.nz> wrote:
>>        Rob
>> This is not a dataset, but it is an example of a file I have recently
>> started placing at the top level of a survey project folder, to remind me
>> and other users what conventions are used and preferred in a particular
>> project.  It might, indirectly, help you think about some of the
>> considerations when starting a large project.
>> See attached.
>> Bruce
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-bounces at speleo.sk] 
>> *On
>> Behalf Of *Rob Countess
>> *Sent:* Friday, 24 April 2015 7:58 a.m.
>> *To:* List for Therion users
>> *Subject:* Re: [Therion] Therion Digest, Vol 112, Issue 5
>> Does anyone mind sending me one of your data sets. It would help me
>> understand the structure and organization.
>> I have data for several cave areas on Vancouver Island BC Canada in Walls
>> and On Station. I want to convert the whole mess.
>> My data sets are
>> Glory 'ole/Arch Cave area
>>   -18 km in 4 main caves and a dozen or so smaller caves linked by
>> overland survey and GPS
>>   - longest caves are  Arch (10.6 km km 3 entrances), Glory 'ole (2.7 km)
>> Pellucidar (1.9 km) Resonance (1.8 km)
>>   - Arch cave is divided into several series based on streams and
>> distinct areas of the cave
>>   - 3 caves (Glory 'ole, Resonance, and Arch) overlap in plan view (I
>> want to produce a high level map with all three caves in different colours,
>> initially just line plots but eventually real maps)
>> White Ridge
>> -7 km in 3 main caves and a half dozen smaller caves Linked by radio
>> location and GPS
>> Larch Mountain
>> 2 km in 3 main caves and a dozen smaller caves linked by GPS
>> I also have a friend that manages data for Weymer Creek (over 30 km in
>> over 100 caves, longest are 12 and 9 km lots of caves overlap in plan
>> view). I am trying to convince him to switch to Therion too.
>> I am looking for an example data set that has
>> 1) multiple caves in one caving area
>> 2) at least one cave large enough to be broken into series
>> 3) overlapping layers in at least one of the caves
>> 4) examples of files to produces different outputs with overlapping caves
>> or cave series in different colours on the same map.
>> Thanks,
>> Rob Countess
>> PS If you don't want to spam the mailing list then send to:
>> rob.countess at gmail.com
>> _______________________________________________
>> Therion mailing list
>> Therion at speleo.sk
>> http://mailman.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL: 
> <http://mailman.speleo.sk/pipermail/therion/attachments/20150426/1e56e71d/attachment-0001.htm>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 15:42:46 +1200
> From: Bruce <bruce at tomo.co.nz>
> Subject: Re: [Therion] Therion Digest, Vol 112, Issue 5
> To: 'List for Therion users' <therion at speleo.sk>
> Message-ID: <DEDCE55D68574851B851AF33E6437693 at JUICEBRAIN>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Rob
> .my experiences only, others may have other perspectives.  And hope it is
> not exposing my ignorance.
> What I have found is that once you start generating a particular structure
> (and naming convention) it is very tedious to rearrange it later, because
> the names and relationships get embedded in all of the scraps, maps, index
> files etc, of which there are a lot.
> So, Low level map (ie first stage collection of scraps into usable maps)
> definitions;
> 1)       in the survey.th file outside of survey/endsurvey:  Was a feeble
> attempt to disassociate the maps (artistic and may have many forms) from the
> survey (predetermined by the survey that actually occurred in the field and
> 'fixed') when I was new to Therion. 
> Pros: means related map and scraps are close at hand to the survey when you
> are drawing and later when you want to edit.  No wondering where to find
> them.
> -Lends itself to self contained map and survey datasets in each cave folder.
> Cons: The map and survey may well be disassociated at the lowest level, but
> in a real cave system where multiple surveys are collected together in an
> INDEX file, they become dependant again, in that all references to the
> low-level maps need a suffix such as @cavename.  So they are really
> dependant in a hybrid kind of way.
> -Is more complicated to figure out map references because of this.
> -It is harder to completely rearrange the structure of the maps, for
> example, as you explore the cave and see that better map arrangements are
> possible.
> 2)       in the survey.th file inside of (and at the start of)
> survey/endsurvey:
> Pros: same as for 1) and.
> -Maps at the beginning because once the survey is entered you hardly ever
> change it much so the survey may as well be lower down in the file.  During
> drawing and subsequent edits (as always happen in a growing cave survey and
> map) the low level maps can get quite a bit of tweaking.  So beginning of
> file makes them quicker to find.
> -Results in a truly dependant map and survey set ('aesthetically' cleaner
> than item 1 above)
> -Easy to understand, fewer files.
> Cons: Maps and surveys are codependant.  If once you have a hierarchical
> structure with your 43 caves entered and drawn, you want to  produce a map
> with part of one cave system and part of another system, which may be
> physically close in the earth, but in the Therion dataset in completely
> different folder branches because of how the cave exploration evolved, you
> will end up with complicated  map references.
> ie @upperseries.cave1.region4
> -It is harder to completely rearrange the structure of the maps, for
> example, as you explore the cave and see that better map arrangements are
> possible.
> 3)       not in the survey file at all: (I have never done it so a bit
> theoretical for me)
> Pros: Maps are independent of surveys (except for the obvious relationship
> due to the survey stations that tie the map to the survey).
> -Low level maps need not be limited by the extent of the low level surveys.
> Make your lowest level maps suit the natural form of the cave passages, not
> the extent of arbitrary survey trips.
> -I don't think you end up with any subscripts in your map references ie
> @cavename, so very much simpler (I could be wrong here)
> -You can dispense with 'low-level' map definitions altogether, and so for a
> moderate length (and simply laid out) cave, just put all your scraps in a
> single map definition for the cave (although this may not be very
> 'modular').
> -Lends itself to hierarchical survey folders with all maps defined at the
> top project level (or cave level) folders if you want.
> Cons: Another type of file to manage and keep track of (ie surveys, maps,
> indexes, layouts etc) - although this should not be a problem with modern
> text editors.
> -Either almost twice as many files to manage (surveys and maps) or if low
> level maps are dispensed with, very long cumbersome to navigate map
> definition files.
> So, what I currently do is described in number 1).
> What would be an improvement is described in number 2) - thanks to Andrew
> Atkinson.
> What I would try if I was start my 'Therion Life' again is described in
> number 3).
> There is no reason why a dataset created along the lines of 1) or 2) cannot
> have a 'parallel' set of maps developed along the lines of 3) at a later
> date.  It is just hard to find the motivation if you already have something
> that works!  There is also the risk of confusing yourself with variations of
> maps that are similar to each other.
> Anyway, enough talk.  I'll get in trouble for not working on my share of the
> map drawing.
> Bruce
>  _____  
> From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-bounces at speleo.sk] On 
> Behalf
> Of Rob Countess
> Sent: Monday, 27 April 2015 10:30 a.m.
> To: List for Therion users
> Subject: Re: [Therion] Therion Digest, Vol 112, Issue 5
> Bruce,
> Again thanks for all your help.
> In your attachment you had some mention of where to put low-level map
> definitions. Could you explain the benefits of placing map definitions:
> 1) in the file outside of survey/endsurvery
> 2) in the file inside of at and the start of survey/endsurvey
> 3) in separate file
> It seems like you've given this a lot of thought and would choose
> differently if you were starting out again and since I am just starting out
> I'd like to understand more.
> Rob
> The survey network and map hierarchies are then tied together in INDEX.th
> files
> [If I were to start my 'Therion life' again, I would place the map
> definitions inside of, and at the start of the survey-endsurvey block to
> promote ease of use and simpler map references in INDEX files.  The above
> structure was intended to make maps independent of surveys (which is
> preferred), but I did not think it through - to achieve that we would have
> to have map definitions in separate files.  Separate files would work OK,
> but would increase the number or size of files.  At the time, we chose not
> to go this way.  Another time, I might choose differently.  Bruce]
> On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 2:54 PM, Bruce <bruce at tomo.co.nz> wrote:
> Rob
> This is not a dataset, but it is an example of a file I have recently
> started placing at the top level of a survey project folder, to remind me
> and other users what conventions are used and preferred in a particular
> project.  It might, indirectly, help you think about some of the
> considerations when starting a large project.
> See attached.
> Bruce
>  _____  
> From: therion-bounces at speleo.sk [mailto:therion-bounces at speleo.sk] On 
> Behalf
> Of Rob Countess
> Sent: Friday, 24 April 2015 7:58 a.m.
> To: List for Therion users
> Subject: Re: [Therion] Therion Digest, Vol 112, Issue 5
> Does anyone mind sending me one of your data sets. It would help me
> understand the structure and organization.
> I have data for several cave areas on Vancouver Island BC Canada in Walls
> and On Station. I want to convert the whole mess.
> My data sets are
> Glory 'ole/Arch Cave area
>   -18 km in 4 main caves and a dozen or so smaller caves linked by overland
> survey and GPS
>   - longest caves are  Arch (10.6 km km 3 entrances), Glory 'ole (2.7 km)
> Pellucidar (1.9 km) Resonance (1.8 km)
>   - Arch cave is divided into several series based on streams and distinct
> areas of the cave
>   - 3 caves (Glory 'ole, Resonance, and Arch) overlap in plan view (I want
> to produce a high level map with all three caves in different colours,
> initially just line plots but eventually real maps)
> White Ridge
> -7 km in 3 main caves and a half dozen smaller caves Linked by radio
> location and GPS
> Larch Mountain
> 2 km in 3 main caves and a dozen smaller caves linked by GPS
> I also have a friend that manages data for Weymer Creek (over 30 km in over
> 100 caves, longest are 12 and 9 km lots of caves overlap in plan view). I am
> trying to convince him to switch to Therion too.
> I am looking for an example data set that has
> 1) multiple caves in one caving area
> 2) at least one cave large enough to be broken into series
> 3) overlapping layers in at least one of the caves
> 4) examples of files to produces different outputs with overlapping caves or
> cave series in different colours on the same map.
> Thanks,
> Rob Countess
> PS If you don't want to spam the mailing list then send to:
> rob.countess at gmail.com
> _______________________________________________
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://mailman.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion
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> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://mailman.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion
> End of Therion Digest, Vol 112, Issue 21
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