If I may ask a question unrelated to Thorir’s original post topic …


> try to make shorter scraps. There is no problem if you’ll create many short 
> scraps.


I agree with Martin’s statement above, however I wonder how to approach it if 
the survey data and drawing was created with TopoDROID, as it appears Thorir’s 
example was.


Is there a workflow that is easy to use with ‘TopoDROID to Therion’ process, 
that also allows more than one scrap per survey trip file?  With limited 
experimentation (and making assumption that TopoDROID ‘sketches’ might be 
approximately equivalent to Therion ‘scraps’), I have not yet found a way that 
is easy to implement and encourages a naming convention that eases tracing of 
scraps to their parent TopoDROID file.  And breaking existing scraps into 
smaller scraps is a task I find unnecessarily tedious, when one could just have 
drawn smaller scraps in the first place.


Am I missing something obvious?  What are experienced Therion users who 
subsequently became proficient with TopoDROID as a data collector doing in this 



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