On Monday, 22 March 2010 02:40:14 UTC, Saverio wrote:
> I am using Eric Shulman's 
> http://www.tiddlytools.com/#ToggleScrollingSidebars.
> The toggle does not immediately take effect.  It appears that I need
> to open a tiddler before the new setting (either on or off) is
> enforced.  This is not the way the plugin behaves on the tiddlytools
> website.
> Please see: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4462381/example.html
> for the minimal tiddlywiki file that shows the problem on Firefox 3.6.
I've hit the same problem, with a TiddlyWiki based off 2.6.5 running under 
Firefox 16.0.2 (with the TiddlyFox 1.0alpha3 extension).  I found a fix 
which works for me.  It may not work with other browsers/versions, but it's 
unlikely to make anything worse.

The failure process I'm seeing is as follows.
* The ToggleScrollingSidebars tiddler gets "rendered" twice.
* Both times it patches the onchange callback, then calls the method to set 
the behaviour based on the current config option value.
* The second time, it patches it to call through to the patch method, not 
the original onchange.
* Therefore, clicking the checkbox gets you into infinite recursion, and 
never sets the scrolling behaviour.  If you open Firebug, you'll see a "too 
much recursion" error message in the console.

The reason the patching goes wrong on the second pass, despite the check 
"if (!chk.coreOnChange) { // only once", is as follows.
* On the first run through, chk.coreOnChange is undefined and chk.onchange 
is null.  So, {{!chk.coreOnChange}} is {{true}}.  Therefore 
chk.coreOnChangeis set to null and chk.onchange is set to the function in 
* On the first run through, chk.coreOnChange is null and chk.onchange is 
the function in ToggleScrollingSidebars.  So, {{!chk.coreOnChange}} is ... 
still {{true}}!  Therefore chk.coreOnChangeis set to the function in 
ToggleScrollingSidebars (because that was the value of chk.onchange) and 
chk.onchange is set to ... the same function in ToggleScrollingSidebars -- 
probably a different function object, but the same behaviour.
* When that function is called by clicking the checkbox, its first line, 
"if (this.coreOnChange) this.coreOnChange.apply(this,arguments);" ends up 
calling that function itself, because that's now the value in 
{{this.coreOnChange}} ... which calls itself again ... whcih ....

There are a few ways you could fix this.  I've done so by changing "if 
(!chk.coreOnChange) { // only once" to "if (!chk.patchedOnChange) { // only 
once" and adding a line "chk.patchedOnChange=true;" inside the if, like 
'';}}>><<option chkScrollSidebars>><<tiddler {{
    var chk=place.lastChild;
    if (!chk.patchedOnChange) { // only once
        chk.onchange=function() {
            if (this.coreOnChange) this.coreOnChange.apply(this,arguments);
'';}}>> $1

Hope that helps somebody out there -- it took me a few hours to work out!

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