I've been using a script to produce a sitemap that shows level1 and
level2 tiddlers.  At level2 my goal was to exclude tiddlers tagged
with Done.  I thought I could do this with MatchTagsPlugin.  But I
just noticed that my script isn't catching level2 tiddlers if a level1
title contains a dollar sign.  Is there something I'm missing or
should I just avoid using dollar signs?  I put up examples at
http://cmaristandard.tiddlyspot.com/ in case that helps.  Here's the

var out=""; var level1=""; var indent="&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
var level1=store.sortTiddlers(store.filterTiddlers("[tag
for (var g=0; g<level1.length; g++) {
         var level2=store.sortTiddlers(store.filterTiddlers("[tag[("+level1
[g].title+" AND NOT Done)]]"),"title");
                if (level2.length>0) {
                        out+=" ("+level2.length+")";
                         for (var m=0; m<level2.length; m++) {
[["+level2[m].title+"]] \n";}
return out;

thanks for any help!
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