Hi Aaron,

On Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 11:22:18 PM UTC+2, Aaron Haslem wrote:
> Is there a way to change the default font and color of "Missing Tiddler" 
> Links.  I like that I can create a tiddler link in text and then go back to 
> it and create the Tiddler.  But I would like the links to stand out more.  
> Currently both active and missing links are Blue Font, missing links are 
> italics.  How do I change this default behavior?
Right click on the missing link and choose inspect element.
You will see the CSS class i:


Create a tiddler tagged with $:/tags/Stylesheet and containing something 

a.tc-tiddlylink-missing {
     font-weight: bold;
     color: purple;

Adjust to yor liking.



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