> I am looking for a way to import a spreadsheet into a TW so that each
> row becomes a tiddler, with different columns becoming custom fields
> or tags, and one column becoming the standard text field.

If it was me, I'd probably write a formula to generate slices, like this:
     = "|" & A$1 & "|" & A2 & "|\n|" & B$1 & "|" & B2 & "|\n"
(I've used "\n" for line breaks here - that should probably be CHAR(10) 
or CHAR(13).)

The problem is getting them into TiddlyWiki without manually copying and 
pasting each row. The easiest way might be to dump it all into a single 
tiddler, one section per row, and using transclusion to display 
individual rows/sections.

-- F.

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