On Feb 2, 9:42 am, tiddlygrp <tiddly...@gmail.com> wrote:
> today I was searching trac for the most up to date  TiddlyWebAdaptor .
> However, this is quite old.  Is this still the current one?  Or where
> is the repo kept?

The one here:


is the latest one that is being packaged with tiddlywebwiki[1]. It
will be moving to github soon.

> Related is that the adaptor says:
> // retrieve current status (requires TiddlyWeb status plugin)
> but I can't find the TiddlyWeb status plugin.  Any help?

The status plugin is a tiddlyweb plugin, running on the server side.
It is available here


with the code kept here:


However for the most situations you don't need to know any of this: If
you have installed your own TiddlyWeb, using the tiddlywebwiki[1]
package, then installing the latest tiddlywebwiki will install the
latest TiddlyWebAdaptor and tiddlywebplugins.status plugin. If you
have an existing instance that you are upgrading to the latest code,
after installing tiddlywebwiki (with pip) you can then run 'twanager
update' in the instance directory to install the latest

If you're using TiddlySpace, or some other kind of hosted TiddlyWeb
(e.g. hoster), then the administrators of the service will be making
sure that the status plugin is always up to date and that the system
bag always has the relevant version of TiddlyWebAdaptor.

[1] tiddlywebwiki is a Python package that gathers up the necessary
bits to make TiddlyWeb operate as a host for tiddlers that can be
presented in a TiddlyWiki. This means it has a copy of the latest
empty.html and latest necessary TiddlyWiki plugins to make things go.
It can be found at:


The instructions for installing tiddlywebwiki can be found at:


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